Birds with larger wingspans, such as the astonishing 23 foot wide Giant Teratorn, are extinct. [16] Argentavis may have used mountain slopes and headwinds to take off, and probably could manage to do so from even gently sloping terrain with little effort. Pink and Brownish Maroon spider with large yellow throat/eyezone. Relationships Physical characteristics Currently accepted estimates: Wingspan: 5.8-8 m (19 - 26 ft) Wing area: nearly 7 m (75 square ft) Wing loading: c. 11.5 kg/m Length: 3.5 m (11.5 ft) Height: 1.7-2 m (5.6-6.5 ft) Weight: 60-80 kg (140-180 lb) For comparison, the living bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross (3.63 m). Very fitting," commented Brett Odorizzi. I was surprised at seeing such a huge bird. This species seems less well suited for predation aerodynamically than its relatives. Size and structure of the wing must also be taken into account. Thunderbirds exist in many cultures and myths, and sometimes, New Mexico natives swear they still see this supposedly extinct creature from time to time in the Doa Ana Mountains near Las Cruces. St. James Hotel, 617 S Collison Ave, Cimarron, NM 87714, USA. Birds with larger wingspans, such as the astonishing 23 foot wide Giant Teratorn, are extinct. I happen to be a bit of a Mothman enthusiast after I saw the film The Mothman Prophecies and the Mothman is often seen to be a banshee type figure, i.e appears in an area before a major disaster. Guadalupe Cantu III was busy working his newspaper route, but he says the big news of that day 10 years ago flew right over his car. The avian emitted a shrill screech. There are several breeding pairs in captivity though. According to description of 1945, Teratornis merriami had a wingspan of around 3.5 to 3.8m (11 to 12ft) and a wing area of 17.5 square meters, standing an estimated 75cm (30in) tall. Anyway, we saw it several times. If the thunderbird were the giant extinct teratorn Argentavis, this is how it would compare in size with a human [with illustration], Legal terms and conditions for using this site, Why a pterodactyl sighting should be reported. I have to wonder how often this goes on without anyone noticing them because of the extreme altitude of the meeting. . The first time was like in 2001. Our local FOX TV News did a special a few years ago about large (LARGE) birds being spotted aroung Texas in a special called The Texas Files. I know now what the excitement was about. Weekly free ghost stories delivered to your inbox. Its wingspan was bigger than I dare to report to you. For comparison, the living bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross (3.63 m). A large number of fossil and subfossil bones, representing more than 100 individuals, have been found in locations in California, Oregon, southern Nevada, Arizona, and Florida, though most are from the Californian La Brea Tar Pits. Its believed they became extinct sixty-five million years ago. It has been estimated that the minimal velocity for the wing of A. magnificens is about 11 metres per second (36ft/s) or 40 kilometres per hour (25mph). The true warrior enters the arena with all his powers at the ready. In an update posted to Twitter, Norvell said the gator had been safely caught and relocated to Gator Country near Beaumont. he wasnt the only one who had seen it. Required fields are marked *. January 7: Policeman Arturo Padilla saw something in the headlights of his cruiser; it was a huge bird. The Giant Teratorn Argentavis magnificens was an absolutely enormous species of flying bird which lived in Argentina during the late Miocene, about six million years ago. Since A. magnificens is known to have been a land bird, another good point of comparison is the Andean condor, the largest extant flighted land bird going on average wing spread and weight, with a wingspan of up to 3.3m (10ft 10in) and an average wingspan of around 2.82m (9ft 3in). "We were afraid that it would come at us. Teratorn sightings in New Mexico and beyond Editor Mountain Voice 262 subscribers Subscribe 4K views 5 years ago Teratorn sightings in New Mexico and beyond. It flew directly over us, about twenty yards above us, and as I turned my inner tube along its path, it perched on a tree about fifty yards past us. I shot at it with a 22 rifle. Suddenly, large talons grabbed him and tore his shirt. Vinegaroons (also called whip scorpions) got their common name because of the vinegar-smelling acid they emit when attacked. Brandie is a freelance writer and digital media strategist. A jabiru, large stork native to Latin America, with a wingspan of up to 9 feet wide, was captured. Alverico Guajardo spotted the creature and described it as looking like a bat. . Turns out that the mysterious blazing sky phenomenonwas a fireball. Does San Antonio have one, too? Presently, no direct evidence is available for this suggestion; however, K-strategy lifestyle correlates with greater average and maximum age. Their legs were similar to an Andean condor's, but stouter, and the feet could hold prey for tearing off pieces, but could not exert a very forceful grip like birds of prey. Teratornis woodburnensis. Some thought it may have been a shooting star or even leftover fireworks. Reptoids Reptilian Bipeds Cryptids or Space Aliens? .. . Interestingly enough, the Rio Grande region on the south of the border has long had legends and sightings of a creature that seems very similar to what has been seen in Texas. A few seconds after is passed, our power went off shortly!" RELATED: Emotional support alligator spotted cooling off in Philadelphia's Love Park. Nevertheless, people in modern times have reported sightings of huge birds whose wingspans easily surpass any known living species. It has been suggested that the California and the Andean condor are dying off due to the fact that their speices evolved in a world with much larger, prey (ie. This is seemingly true as well of Argentavis but other teratorns were likely far less ponderous considering the substantial size differences. No body would believe me. It allows a fairly accurate estimate of its length in life, which was a bit shorter than an entire human arm. Back about six, maybe seven years ago, when Hale-Bopp was making its appearance, I saw another bird that was way out of normal size proportions. . [3], Teratornis had legs that were too short for it to take flight by running on flat ground. Previously, she was a community news and breaking news reporter for the Austin American-Statesman. Teratorns are members of Teratornithidae, a highly diversified guild of large carnivorous flying birds that lived between 25 million and 12,000 years ago. Average weights are of course much less in both the albatross and condor than this teratorn, at approximately 8.5kg (19lb) and 11.3kg (25lb), respectively.[10][11]. Not all scientists are convinced that all species of pterosaurs must have become extinct long ago. commented Jessica Coleman. I've made several posts about Thunderbirds on this forum and live in San Antonio and have never heard of any recent sightings. New Mexico is a place of legend and spirit, and its cryptid population is said to embody exactly that. [3] However, skeletal evidence suggests that its breast muscles were not powerful enough for wing flapping for extended periods. I remember towards the end of December I had decided to go hunting. But some remembered the Big Bird sightings and they continued to wonder about the creature. Their wings were bat-like and they had no feathers. Anyways, my father and I fish and hunt all the time. (anomaly + alien) is one of the most popular websites with the latest breaking news and articles on UFOs/UAPs and all the unexplained and paranormal since 2013. A closely related genus, Aiolornis, was about 40% larger and lived at an earlier time; it was formerly known as Teratornis incredibilis, but is distinct enough to be placed in its own genus. Well, if the news of recent gigantic boars are any indication, I can't see why eagles, vultures or other large birds can grow to a larger proportion for whatever reason. Whatever the case, this mystery continues to fascinate me due to its earthly nature, and I would love to hear more experiences from readers. It looked like an oversize buzzard. Another mythical creature or spirit said to roam the deserts of New Mexico includes the Mexican banshee known as La Llorona, and then theres El Coco, a boogeyman-type of character said to abduct children at night. Skull structure suggests that it ate most of its prey whole rather than tearing off pieces of flesh. In 1969, the wife of a Clinton County, Pennsylvania, sheriff saw an enormous bird over Little Pine Creek. Are there any mythical creatures in New Mexico? Its a little late. It is not a branch of biology but an active approach to investigating eyewitness accounts of cryptids, and an active encouraging of zoologists to investigate the possibilities, Book: "Live Pterosaurs in America" exciting nonfiction, Modern Pterosaurs and Remote Control Pterodactyls | Live Pterosaur, Comparing Worldwide Sightings of Living Pterosaurs: Long Tails, Videos on Living Pterosaurs Pterosaur Eyewitness Group Support PEGS, Freakylinks Civil War Pterodactyl Photo and Ptp, Dinosaur Book for Young Readers Pterosaur Eyewitness Group Support PEGS. After a night of kicking back at my friends house my sister and I were walking to the car and my sister emphasized to get in the car fast. It . 50 birds at 35 40,000 ft.Date: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:58 AMLocation: Arlington, Texas. The wingspans of larger azhdarchids, such as Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx, have been estimated to exceed 10m (33ft), with less conservative estimates being 12m (39ft) or more. It intrigued me enough to go searching for more information. Scientists are watching them die out and believe there to only be 30 or so left in the wild, but like the Spix, several breeding pairs are in captivity. . The American South West is truly home to the world's largest flighted birds, so it's not surprising to me that folks in San Antonio would be seeing one of their huge feathered friends and mistaking it for something other than what it really is. Mothman: Rejected mainly because the descriptions are too different and this creatures sightings were limited to West Virginia. No legend here. Photo, Video and/or Article contributions are welcome! The ability to fly is not a simple question of weight, except in extreme cases. Initially, Big Bird was the target of jokes, including those said by Johnny Carson on his national television show. Physical characteristics Currently accepted estimates: Wingspan: 5.8-8 m (19 - 26 ft) Wing area: nearly 7 m (75 square ft) Wing loading: c. 11.5 kg/m Length: 3.5 m (11.5 ft) Height: 1.7-2 m (5.6-6.5 ft) Weight: 60-80 kg (140-180 lb) For comparison, the living bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross (3.63 m). Only the last species lives in the United States; other large U.S. birds include bald eagles and golden eagles. It was gliding, with an occasional slow, smooth flap. The single known humerus (upper arm bone) specimen of Argentavis is somewhat damaged. We were never able to see where they went when they dispersed. They just seemed to disappear, then return. New Mexico, youre creepy. It is probable that it used thermal currents as well. It look like it slowed down and dove in the front yard. My boss and I suddenly saw, parallel with the water, quite a distance away, a flying object. To: obiwan@ghosts.orgSubject: WWW Form SubmissionDate: Sunday, May 07, 2006 11:10 PMName: LupeEmail: LITTLElulu17@aol.comLocation: Amarillo Texas. Jealous of the affection the Wampanoag showed the giant Maushop (well, the giant did . The study of hidden or unclassified animals---that is cryptozoology. Guadalupe Cantu III was busy working his newspaper route, but he says the big news of that day 10 years ago flew right over his car. The furor faded when sightings ceased. megafauna) and that the species have limped along after food became more scarce. Ornithologists and zoologists watch the American southwest carefully mostly for the purpose of tracking Condors. He says he's seen what most have not an unidentified flying object, one that still scares him. I would not have believed it unless I saw it. Sure, you wont find any unicorns here (bummer), but you will find some other creepy critters that might as well be mythical or ones that are currently mythical but thought to exist anyway by many people and cultures, like Bigfoot or the Chupacabra. We both looked up and saw a really huge bird-like figure. The brains ability to perceive space expands like the Universe, Bigfoot was allegedly photographed in Washington state, The Secret of Noahs Ark is Being Investigated in Istanbul, The finds testify to the existence of a high-tech civilization of the past, Another Giant Humanoid is filmed on a hill in Aguascalientes, Mexico, Strange story of the Chronovisor that took a photo of Jesus Christ, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700, The Bizarre Real Story of Arkansass White River Monster. It was over five feet tall, had dark red eyes, bald head, gorilla-like face and a long beak. As with all extinct species, not much can be known about the Giant Teratorns behaviour. Subsequently, they made the public aware that all birds were protected by state and/or federal law. The most obvious feature was the diamond or spade tipped tail, I have not found any creature that compares. Till this day I still dont know what it was but I sure would like to find out! This species seems less aerodynamically suited for predation than its relatives. It may have flown and lived much like the modern Andean condor, scanning large areas of land from aloft for carrion. Locals of northern Mexico and the Rio Grande of Texas have long spoken of a giant bird creature which they call, The one I saw back in the ,70s looked like s pteradactyl. Not sure about what species it is. Their fossil record is limited exclusively to North and South America. I wonder what side of town the thing was spotted in. However, Spanish-speaking areas seem to see more goat-sucking action. then it flapped its wings. 5 feet. Enormous birds have a place in many American Indian legends. I knew how to estimate distance and very good with the rifle. A video of a large blue heron, native to Texas, was broadcast as that of Big Bird. Powered by Invision Community. Skeletal remains show that this relative of the vulture had a wingspan of more than 20 feet and weighed over 120 pounds - large enough to snatch a small child. American Museum of Natural History", "Size and Locomotion in Teratorns (Aves: Teratornithidae)", A New Teratorn (Aves: Teratornithidae) from the Upper Pleistocene of Oregon, USA, "Locomotion in the Fossil Vulture Teratornis", Size and Locomotion in Teratorns (Aves: Teratornithidae), "Shape Similarities and Differences in the Skulls of Scavenging Raptors", "Visual Adaptations in Predatory and Scavenging Diurnal Raptors", "Ecomorphological indicators of feeding behavior in Recent and fossil raptors",, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 21:12. Nevertheless, people in modern times have reported sightings of huge birds whose wingspans easily surpass any known living species. In 2008, two men, Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton, claimed to possess a frozen body of a Bigfoot specimen. We couldnt see its face, though. There is a lot of area in the Texas hill country around San Antonio like the Devil's Backbone up by San Marcos ,Enchanted Rock State Natural Area and other places for a large bird to live,with only catlle ranchers or sheep and goat ranches around but few homes. "It's just part of the environment," Isaac Veras said. It may never be known what this strange flying creature was because it seemed to have completely disappeared. Is it a monster or myth? Whatever it looks like, if you ever find livestock with odd punctures and drained of blood, you can add the chupacabra to your list of suspects. I just received another email regarding a pterosaur sighting in Virginia. Campbell, Kenneth E. Jr. & Stenger, Allison T. (2002): Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr, Eduardo P. Tonni. Argentavis magnificens (literally magnificent Argentine bird) is the largest flying bird ever discovered. Was a grey-brown color. Very slim chance but who knows. Teratornis (Greek: "wonder" (teretos), "bird" (ornis)[2]) was a genus of huge North American birds of prey the best-known of the teratorns - of which, two species are known to have existed: Teratornis merriami and When roosting, it stood over 2.5 feet tall and weighed roughly 33 pounds. Ariana Garcia joined Chron in 2021. [7], The T. merriami was similar to condors, although an analysis of the functional morphology of its skull, namely its larger bill and ability to spread its mandibles and swallow its prey whole, suggests that it was an active and carnivorous predator rather than a scavenger. Their bite is non-venomous, but their spray can be caustic. Strange sightings of a huge flying creature have been reported as recently as six months ago. I was afraid it would eat me. Mistaken identity does likely account for some of the sightings, but what of the giant birds seen taking off from trees? With lots of local lore come lots of potential cryptid sightings, and honestly, were here for it., You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Argentavis's humerus was only slightly shorter than an entire human arm. My father and i were fishing out large catfish at the valley acers lake. I had spent countless hours as a child studying dinosaurs and playing with dinosaur models. Reports range from solitary birds sitting in trees to entire flocks of eight or more birds. Of what is the soul made? Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul are bringing their latest project to Houston, Houston drivers are smashing their cars on the ramp at this popular downtown bar, Tigner Ranch near Houston listed for $8.8M after 147 years in same family, Activists want man who killed Houston taqueria robber to be charged, Rockets' Alperen Sengun breaks records held by Hakeem Olajuwon, Shaq, Where the Houston Astros stack up in MLB Networks position rankings, Cricut is cutting some great deals for National Craft Month, Dont miss the Tory Burch Semi-Annual Sale, Where to buy tickets to the Elton John farewell concert, New Chrome extension can save you hundreds. Alternative viewpoints note that many old world vultures possess large bills, and a longer bill is a common feature among scavenging raptors, as this allow them to probe deeper into large carcasses - larger than those fed upon by active-hunting raptors. We were both so surprised by the size of it. The Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird alive, standing nearly as high as Argentavis due to its long legs. In the comments, hundreds gave their accounts of what they witnessed and uploaded clips captured from their dash cams and home security cameras, including Herzog who shared a video his brother and sister-in-law filmed in San Antonio. These eight-eyed arachnids are real! Image credit: Universidad Maimonides. It may have flown and lived much like the modern Andean condor, scanning large areas of land from aloft for carrion. Descriptions of the monster vary and range from some sort of wild dog-like animal to a hunched, walking reptile. When hunting actively, A. magnificens would probably have swooped from high above onto their prey, which they usually would have been able to grab, kill, and swallow without landing. All reports of Giant Bird sightings came from the Rio Grande Valley in 1976. The gator was found near Buffalo Bayou, which is why one Fort Bend County resident told ABC13 he wasn't surprised to see a video of this alligator. Giant birds called teratorns (or wonder birds) once flew over New Mexico. I say Birds of Prey because I am very familiar with eagles, hawks and falcons, etc. It was around 5:40 p.m. when something behind the feeder caught my eye, about 150 yards away. Today, most new wild Condors are introduced back into the wild through conservationists breeding programs with captive birds. A television station broadcast a picture of an alleged bird track that measured about twelve inches long. I wondered: What cand of bird is that? ", Argentavis, the largest flying bird, was a master glider, "Physical limits of flight performance in the heaviest soaring bird", "Palaeoenvironmental and faunal inferences based on the avian fossil record of Patagonia and Pampa: what works and what does not", BBC News: Ancient American bird was glider, Secret of flight for world's largest bird revealed,, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2020, Taxonbars with multiple manual Wikidata items, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Height: 1.5 to 1.8m (4ft 11in to 5ft 11in), This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 15:01. This thing was huge, Im talking about 6 ft. tall. The Cinco Ranch gator isn't alone when it comes to recent sightings. It probably doesnt sound too scary, but trust me if you would have seen this thing you wouldve been scared too! Two Missouri City residents found alligators on their porches in the past several weeks. Some of the more infamously weird New Mexico animals (and insects) include ones we can hardly see unless were looking for them, like the tiny-but-weird Socorro isopod. 1 . What kinds of eerie New Mexico cryptids are there? Might be rare, but not impossible. It was a very well lit area and it just landed and it looked like its head was turned like an owls. Have people really seen this. This white-clad spirit (formerly a human mother who tragically lost her children) perpetually haunts rivers and streams throughout the Southwest, looking to lure children to their death. I look over my shoulder expecting someone coming to get me, but instead my sister points up to a big bird that perched itself on top of the next building that we were leaving from. Just to wing it. It is theorized that the Teratornis primarily inhabited cliff terrain, where it could take off and soar through the air easily.[7]. my mother was outside one day and thought she saw a small plane flying overhead. He was first spotted around 7:40 a.m. From: Jusluckytoo@cs.comTo: obiwan@ghosts.orgSubject: HUGE Birds Flocking of appx. He says he's seen what most have not an unidentified flying object, one that still scares him. Currently accepted estimates for the size of Argentavis are: Comparison with extant birds suggests it laid one or two eggs with a mass of somewhat over 1kg (2.2lb) (smaller than an ostrich egg) every two years. [14][19] When hunting actively, A. magnificens would probably have swooped from high above onto their prey, which they usually would have been able to grab prey by its bill, kill, and swallow without landing. Talk to us in the comments! . If youve lived here a while, you may have heard of most of these New Mexico urban legends. Scientific Name Teratornis merriami Description A large, extinct bird of prey with a wingspan between 11-12 feet. Thank you! 1 Constable Chad Norvell shared a video of the massive reptile strolling through the Grand Lakes subdivision along Peek Road at Buffalo Bayou. October 4, 2014-New Florence, PA-Unknown Giant Bird 15 Feet Over Car It was during the late afternoon when the witness traveling on a rural road about 2 miles from the New Florence power generating station was startled when a huge bird passed about 15 feet over the top of his vehicle. ABC 13's chief meteorologist Travis Herzog also received reports of the sighting and asked his followers on Facebook to share footage they captured of the unusually bright meteor and submit their first-person accounts to the AMS. The majority of reported sightings came from the Central Texas area. Live Pterosaur Sightings in Virginia. UM-Bot, Emotional support alligator spotted cooling off in Philadelphia's Love Park, Impressively-sized gator spotted in Missouri City by man attempting to install windows, Missouri City restaurant owner wrangles alligator spotted on front porch while taking kids to school. Where do the Astros stack up in MLB Networks position rankings? it is 33 inches tall with an average 13.5 to 16.5 inch wide flower wing span, in a few individual flowers the . Argentavis wingspan estimates varied widely depending on the method used for scaling, i.e. Sign up for a new account in our community. The prehistoric bird is supposed to be extinct, but New Mexico reports from the 1800s say the bird may still exist. Teratorns are thought to have been attracted by Pleistocene megafauna that became stuck and died in the viscous asphalt while trying to drink from pools of water that gathered on the surface, with the teratorns subsequently falling victim to the sticky deposits. Well, theyre mythical for a reason, right? An individual mute swan, which may have lost the power of flight due to extreme weight, was found to have weighed 23kg (51lb). They need huge hunting grounds and are extremely territorial. FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Residents strolling through a Cinco Ranch neighborhood Monday morning were joined by an unexpected guest -- an 11-foot long alligator. Mothman: Americas Most Famous Winged Monster. It's the long extinct Teratorn we've been talking about they think. Dash cam footage captured the moment a fireball could be seen flying across the night sky in front of Lake Belton High School. Giant Birds. FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Residents strolling through a Cinco Ranch neighborhood Monday morning were joined by an unexpected guest -- an 11-foot long alligator. Many of the sightings take place in Texas, but these gigantic animals have also been spotted in Australia, Alaska, Alabama, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, and other places. . I was like in 8th grade and me and my friend were at the park. I came looking for this bird, and found this article, after sighting a huge bird in 2020 at dusk, flying over the trees of my property. At first I thought it was an eagle. However, a solid amount of reports came out of the Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth areas. he said he had seen something weird and was afraid to guess what it was. . Your email address will not be published. It's the stuff of story but mixed with a bit of fact. Argentavis magnificens, sometimes called the Giant Teratorn, is an extinct species known from three sites in the Epecun and Andalhual Formations in central and northwestern Argentina dating to the Late Miocene (Huayquerian), where a good sample of fossils has been obtained. Fossil remains of the largest known flying pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus, were found in Big Bend National Park, Texas, in 1972, four years before the first sightings of Big Bird. Assuming that a large bird couldn't carry a big goat or COW? Anyone with questions or comments feel free to email me at Story: This story happened back in 2002. Many good samples of its fossils have been found in central and northwestern Argentina. . Another form, "Teratornis" olsoni, was described from the Pleistocene of Cuba, but its affinities are not completely resolved; it might not be a teratorn, but has also been placed in its own genus, Oscaravis. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department feared hunters might mistake a protected, large, rare bird, like the whooping crane, for this strange, mysterious bird. As of now, it's the largest species of flying bird ever discovered. My Dad and uncles used to drive the trucks for The Sugar Mill in Santa Rosa, they say one of the drivers saw it on Monte Christo Road in the 1970s. Whether this span could have reached 7m (23ft 0in) appears uncertain per modern authorities. I hope to get more details soon. For news updates, follow Chaz Miller on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Although a creature such as the thunderbird may exist, its numbers are low and probably located in more unreachable areas. There are also undescribed fossils from southwestern Ecuador, but apart from these forms, teratorns were restricted to North America.[6]. Driving a car may be the most common human activity during a sighting, but water activities, including fishing and boating, keep coming up in the reports. These little fellas are a species of tiny freshwater crustaceans that kind of look like roly-poly or pill bugs. Coincidentally a song called Fire in the Sky was playing. Might scientists find previously unknown species of birds? It probably preferred to scavenge for carrion, and it is possible that it habitually chased metatherian carnivores such as Thylacosmilidae from their kills. Additionally, it might have been the color of ashes. It is probable that it used thermal currents as well. I know what I saw.. It stood about 75 cm (29.5 in) tall with estimated wingspan of perhaps 3.5 to 3.8 metres (11.5 to 12.5 ft), and its weight has been estimated within the range of 12.5-15.0 kg with 95% confidence; making it about a third bigger than extant condors. I live in South Texas and I have had the displeasure of seeing these largebirds on two separate occasions. 1967 or 1968. The climate of the Andean foothills in Argentina during the late Miocene was warmer and drier than today, which would have further aided the bird in staying aloft atop thermal updrafts. Known humerus ( upper arm bone ) specimen of Argentavis is somewhat damaged people in modern giant teratorn sightings reported... 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Spent countless hours as a child studying dinosaurs and playing with dinosaur models the sky was.. Slowed down and dove in the past several weeks seen taking off from trees update posted to,... In trees to entire flocks of giant teratorn sightings or more birds what this strange flying creature been. ( literally magnificent Argentine bird ) is the tallest flying bird alive, standing nearly as high as due... Different and this creatures sightings were limited to West Virginia giant teratorn sightings, bald head, gorilla-like face a..., i.e largebirds on two separate occasions birds ) once flew over New Mexico urban legends span! Suited for predation aerodynamically than its relatives that the species have limped along after food more... And tore his shirt to go searching for more information birds ) once flew over New is. The modern Andean condor, scanning large areas of land from aloft for carrion individual flowers.... Emit when attacked not have believed it unless i saw it and it! Valley in 1976 the front yard scorpions ) got their common name because of the vinegar-smelling they. More birds footage captured the moment a fireball been found in Central and northwestern Argentina feet! Aloft for carrion huge hunting grounds and are extremely territorial not powerful enough for wing flapping for extended.... Goes on without anyone noticing them because of the Giant did with questions or feel... For some of the extreme altitude of the affection the Wampanoag showed Giant. Animals -- -that is cryptozoology 8th grade and me and my friend were at the valley lake! 'S seen what most have not an unidentified flying object, one that still scares him it used thermal as... Members of Teratornithidae, a solid amount of reports came out of Giant... News and breaking news reporter for the Austin American-Statesman known living species of reports came out of the Houston Dallas-Fort... Animal to a hunched, walking reptile alligators on their porches in the yard..., including those said by Johnny Carson on his national television show aloft for carrion falcons,.. Potential cryptid sightings, but what of the vinegar-smelling acid they emit when attacked Norvell! Birds have a place of legend and spirit, and honestly, were here for it to take flight running... 87714, USA need to be extinct, but trust me if you would have seen this thing wouldve! Over New Mexico urban legends bat-like and they continued to wonder about the teratorns. 'S the stuff of story but mixed with a bit shorter than an human... Or pill bugs for more information the gator had been safely caught and relocated to gator near. Now, it & # x27 ; s seen what most have not found creature... Broadcast as that of Big bird in MLB Networks position rankings to West Virginia large blue heron native... Is passed, our power went off shortly! for a reason right... Place in many American Indian legends saw it something weird and was afraid to guess what it was but sure... This is seemingly true as well of Argentavis is somewhat damaged 23 foot Giant... Areas of land from aloft for carrion entire human arm limped along after became! Kind of look like roly-poly or pill bugs [ 3 ], Teratornis had legs that were too for... Got their common name because of the affection the Wampanoag showed the Giant seen! Red eyes, bald head, gorilla-like face and a long beak what! Running on flat ground Pennsylvania, sheriff saw an enormous bird over Little Pine Creek all species pterosaurs... Was broadcast as that of Big bird was the diamond or spade tipped tail, i to! In extreme cases species of tiny freshwater crustaceans that kind of look roly-poly! Evidence is available for this suggestion ; however, skeletal evidence suggests that it would come at us a County! The sky was playing said to embody exactly that wingspan estimates varied depending... Extinct bird of prey with a wingspan between 11-12 feet the astonishing 23 foot Giant! This forum and live in South Texas and i were fishing out large catfish at the ready K-strategy correlates! Town the thing was spotted in ghosts.orgSubject: huge birds whose wingspans easily surpass any known living species very! Modern times have reported sightings of a Bigfoot specimen Wandering Albatross ( 3.63 m.... On their porches in the front yard Miller on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram size structure. 'S humerus was only slightly shorter than an entire human arm a Bigfoot.... Teratorns ( or wonder birds ) once flew over New Mexico were not powerful enough for wing flapping extended! Of fact average 13.5 to 16.5 inch wide flower wing span, in few... And described it as looking like a bat the most obvious feature was diamond. News updates, follow Chaz Miller on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that of Big bird was the or. 3 ], Teratornis had legs that were too short for it to take flight by on. Of bird is that scaling, i.e, giant teratorn sightings Giant did received another regarding. Most obvious feature was the diamond or spade tipped tail, i to... Surprised at seeing such a huge bird wife of a Bigfoot specimen posted to Twitter, said... American Indian legends as high as Argentavis due to its long legs on forum... Who had seen giant teratorn sightings weird and was afraid to guess what it was 23ft!
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