A chimney or flue isnt necessary. Fireplace inserts come in four different types: wood-burning, gas, electric, and pellet. Fireplace insert installation costs $700$6,500. Save space Minimum installation depth Our gas fireplaces have an installation depth of just 25 cm. While you may pay more money upfront for installation, a gas fireplace insert can help save money on heating costs, especially when taking the place of a wood-burning fireplace or expanding heating-area coverage. That means it will cost about $0.49 per hour to run your They are generalizations based on the small, medium, or large classifications. The most feasible option is to buy a vent-free fireplace in such a scenario. While gas fireplace inserts may seem deceptively easy to install (especially if they are of the pre-built variety) we highly recommend hiring a professional to help with the installation of your gas fireplace. A gas fireplace insert should be replaced if youve purchased a new home and the fireplace insert is old, not working properly, or doesnt match your personal style. Safety: There is no risk of the fire burning out if you forget to add more logs. How and Should You Install a Chimney Antenna Mount? If you want to get the most out of your fireplace and start it up with just a push of a button, it might be time for you to learn how to install a fireplace insertor hire a pro to do it. Many electric fireplace inserts produce heat from glowing elements while only using electricity. Need professional help with your project? A gas insert offers all the comfort, warmth, and ambiance of a fire without the need to chop, store, and haul wood. After all, each style has its benefits and drawbacks depending on the location where you want to install the fireplace. A novice DIYer who learns about home ventilation. Typical fireplace dimensions depend on much space you want them to take up. The standard fireplace opening is between 24 and 36 inches wide, 24 and 29 inches high, and 16 inches deep. The distance from the hearth to the fireplace damper is about 37 inches. The rear of the firebox should be between 11 and 19 inches wide and 14 inches high. R Value People have been debating between a gas fireplace and wood-burning for many years, but the majority favor propane because of its ability to control and monitor specific temperatures. As a result, the old inefficient wood fireplace is upgraded to a new high-efficiency wood, gas, or propane fireplace that will produce more heat and use less fuel. Chances are that Regency has the perfect wood or gas fireplace insert to fit your existing masonry fireplace. A gas-powered insert has a high energy rating and does not create waste in the form of ash, soot, and creosoteand thats good for the environment. Transform a wood-burning fireplace into gas by installing a gas-burning insert. A gas fireplace insert is a straightforward, cost-saving installation to increase the overall heat efficiency of your home without losing out on any of the coziness. Shop Wayfair for the best indoor fireplace natural gas insert. A fireplace insert installation costs between $700 and $6,500the cost essentially depends on the type of insert and how it operates. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Reasons to remove a gas fireplace include redecorating or conversion to wood-burning. If you are building a new home, or you own a home without a hearth and chimney system, a gas fireplace may be a better choice for you. National Fire Code This ordinance states that any combustible material (such as a wood mantel surround or shelf) must be at least 6 inches from the fireplace opening. Fireplace inserts are essentially wood, gas, or electric stoves designed to fit into an existing masonry fireplace. Best Gas Fireplace Inserts (New List) Emberside Sure Heat Mountain Oak Dual Burner. Depending on what kind of fireplace you choose, if youre building your home or remodeling, its relatively easy to run venting through the wall, through the roof, or even directly into the chimney. A gas fireplace insert is a metal box within a metal box that fits inside an existing fireplace and blocks the draft from the chimney. Prices can differ from the national average due to labor and installation fees, the price of the gas fireplace insert, and whether the insert is vented or unvented. Excellent choice for new home construction and renovations. Modern propane fireplace inserts have efficiencies of roughly 80 percent. While fireplace inserts may seem easy to install (especially if they are pre-built), youll want to consider hiring a licensed fireplace installer to take care of the installation of your fireplace. Which one is better B vent or direct vent gas fireplace? The direct-vent fireplaces produce efficient heat and are available in different sizes. Technology has changed everything, and thanks to it, propane fireplaces have been modernized; thus, you can easily tell how much heat a fireplace produces because now you can use British Thermal Units (BTUs). The ability to warm a home is the ultimate goal of any good electric fireplace. To ensure your fireplace insert works safely, efficiently, and continues to work for years to come make sure you have your fireplace insert installed by a certified Regency dealer. Yes, but, Can You Paint A Marble Fireplace? If you decide on an unvented insert option, these models come with an oxygen depletion sensor and a safety valve that will turn off the gas before carbon monoxide levels become dangerous in the room. The advantage of inspections is that you will be able to spot any damage that will affect the effectiveness of your fireplace and fix it before it worsens. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Gas fireplace inserts are available as vented or unvented options. Ceiling fan problems You will also need to clean and complete any necessary repairs on your wood-burning fireplace system. More of the heat generated by your fireplace is directed into the room instead of out the chimney resulting in less wasted fuel. THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT AND NOT EDITORIAL CONTENT. If you find hauling wood logs messy and exhausting, a gas fireplace insert is an alternative to consider. By Katie Flannery | Updated Jul 26, 2022 2:25 PM. With the flip of a switch, you can enjoy the warmth and the flickering glow of a fire. A gas fireplace insert can be used as a heat source to increase the effectiveness of your HVAC system. Gas fireplaces and gas fireplace inserts seem one and the same: both run on gas, are highly efficient and easy to maintain and, importantly, both heat your home. Many unvented gas fireplace inserts come with an oxygen sensor that will turn off the gas before carbon monoxide reaches unsafe levels. Vented fireplace inserts can be used without electricity, and unvented options should not be used without electricity. In some areas of the country, a permit is required to run or modify gas lines. Today, you can find electric fireplaces, gel fuel fireplaces, and more traditional wood or gas, and each has its pros and cons. Its not recommended to install a gas fireplace insert as a DIY project. Heres the different labor cost to install each type of fireplace insert: When installing your new insert, you may have to pay extra expenses to connect electric and gas lines, as well as clean and complete any necessary repairs to your wood-burning fireplace system to prepare for the insert. Make sure to follow your inserts manufacturer guidelines. fiberglass If you have a propane fireplace with 50,000 BTU rating, you will use about 1 gallon of propane per 2 hours it is in use. A properly vented gas fireplace will show eye-catching orange and yellow flames that are big and straight up at the edges of ceramic logs. How Much Does A Home Security System Cost. Labor costs to install a gas insert are significantly less than it would cost to install a new gas fireplace. Using a flue damper can prevent the hot air from escaping out, and it also fulfills EPAs recommendations, so its a win-win situation. 2. Repair costs for gas fireplace inserts are relatively cheap and typically run from $100 to $200. When compared to other fireplaces, propane is the cheapest option that makes your home look cozy and, on top of that, makes your environment comfortable. Gas fireplace inserts are a cost-effective and straightforward way to transform a wood-burning fireplace into a gas-burning one. The following is a list of average cost ranges for each fireplace insert type: The labor cost to install a fireplace insert depends on what its powered by: wood, propane, pellets, or electricity. However, because of the vent, you will need an annual inspection which costs around $75-$100. 7 Reasons Why Light Bulbs Keep Burning Out In Ceiling Fans. This venting option uses a fixture powered by a fan with the vent to facilitate the airflow. It uses a pipe venting system that throws the exhaust to the exterior. Also, it doesnt take any air from home for combustion. Each units dimensions are different, subject to change. Venting through the wall doesnt require extensive work, saving time and installation costs. You should do this even if you havent been using the wood fire: animals, plants, old soot and weather damage can all have an impact on your chimney and flue. Cost of installation: The average A gas fireplace insert is a safe choice since it can be directly vented outside. Gas fireplace installation: 30 width fireplace to heat a 250 sq.ft. Fireplace Inserts Explained | Typical Sizing, Functionality & More! A professional will be familiar with the standards that you have to meet, and can help make the headache-inducing process of navigating building ordinances hassle-free. c wire If you are installing a gas fireplace in your home, you must consider your location and proximity to other structures and the venting options. Never weighed one, but would think round 80-100kg average. When the temperature is high, you will use less propane fireplace because you only need less heat, but when the temperature is cold, you will need a lot of heat which means a lot of fuel burned to match the increased temperature demanded, which in turn consumes much fuel. First, when you start using the fireplace, it means you have increased fuel usage. The Cost of Framing and Finish Work A completed gas fireplace project can take on many different appearances. Here's What You Need to Know. Carbon monoxide detectors are strongly recommended for every household; theyre inexpensive and save lives. These flues are fitted into each other using a common axis. How Much Does Ethernet Installation Cost? Here are some questions to ask a gas fireplace insert installation professional. These include registering your wood burning unit, using best practices for wood burning and ensuring your appliance produces fewer than 4.5 grams/hour in particulate matter emissions. One of the Youre probably thinking about switching to variable-speed air handlers, but you arent sure its the right move for you. Inserts are a great way to produce more heat and reuse a pre-existing fireplace. The average costs associated with installing a gas fireplace include $600 for the firebox installation, $750 for the vent pipe, $2,750 for the full installation and finishing work, and between $150 and $800 for the gas line, depending on how far it needs to run. Except for an annual checkup, which may run you somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 to $150, you do not have to do much, if any, maintenance on your gas fireplace. Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade to a Wood Insert. B-vent fireplaces look more comforting as their large and beautiful flames give an illusion of more heat while looking like real flames. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Turn off the fireplace, let it cool down, and then remove the front cover if there is one and vacuum thoroughly around the log set and any exposed parts of the gas burner. A gas fireplace uses 10,000-70,000 BTUs of gasoline per hour, and wood-burning gas fireplaces use up to 90,000 BTUs. Photo: chandlerphoto / iStock / Getty Images. Do you have a fireplace in your house? Duluth Forge Dual Fuel Vent Free Fireplace. Fireplace inserts have different installation protocols depending on the type. A few fireplaces with natural venting come with sensors to stop the fire if exhaust fails and gases return to the flue. A gas fireplace does not require a pre-existing fireplace system. This section is not complete without mentioning that the exhaust fumes are being released into your home by a vent-free gas fireplace. Warm air can be pulled up the chimney, resulting in heat lost within the room your fireplace is located in, as well as additional rooms. As a result, only 15% of the wood in your fireplaces energy is actually converted into heat. In comparison, a gas insert can get up to 80% heat efficiency and properly heat your home. A wood-burning fireplace releases up to 4,000 percent more emissions than a gas-fueled insert. Labor and materials, including liner inserts, gas tubing, and new vents can run between $300 and $1,800. Direct vent fireplaces are usually lined with glass panes at the front, so they are safe, efficient, and versatile options for supplementary heat and can be placed almost anywhere. The products and services we review may not be right for your individual circumstances. Hi, my names Eugene Duke and I love sitting by my fireplace reading a book and sipping on an adult beverage. However, you will not need less fuel always; sometimes, you can relax and let the system heat your room or home by switching the gas supply on a full blast mode. Its got a beautiful design and is an ideal fireplace for any space. If youre more interested in looks, an electric fireplace is more about imagery than producing actual flames or heat for a room. This will allow your system to produce the anticipated heat within a specific period. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Installing a fireplace insert can get you more heat without replacing the whole fireplace and chimney. Unvented models are also more energy-efficient, since no heat is being lost up a chimney. Gas fireplace chimneys should be inspected and cleaned annually. Installation methods can vary based on personal style, if extra gas lines are required, what type of ductwork is necessary, and if the insert will be powered by natural gas or propane. Homeowners in rural areas do not have access to a natural gas line and rely on propane to power a gas fireplace insert. Even though they dont produce as much heat as direct vent fireplaces, they are certainly more efficient than vent-free fireplaces. Best Direct-Vent Gas Fireplace: Empire Tahoe Deluxe Millivolt Fireplace. "A direct-vent fireplace which runs on natural gas and boasts of realistic ceramic fiber logs." Best Compact Gas Fireplace: Pleasant Hearth VFS2-PH20DT. "A dual-fueled freestanding unit that is great for small and middle-sized areas." The question of how much gas propane does a fireplace uses cannot be answered in a one-sentence answer. Costs to convert wood fireplace to gas Installing a gas line and either vented or vent-free gas logs will cost from $500 to $2,500. What Is The Brown Wire On Thermostat For? These units are also effective for zone heating because people absorb the radiant heat from the glass front while the firebox also heats the air in the room. How Much Does It Cost to Clean a Gas Fireplace? Here are some frequently asked questions about gas fireplace insert cost to help guide you in your decisions. Gas fireplace inserts are quite efficient, meaning capable of heating your house with only minimal heat loss. An insert is also a cleaner option since there is no ash or soot to clean out of the fireplace. Surround material and finish work like tiles, masonry, and paint can cost an additional $3,500 to $7,500, depending on the brand, material, design, size of the fireplace, and needed preparation. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. However, if you choose to have your gas fireplace professionally cleaned, it will cost an average of $100 and a typical maximum of $200. The Cost of Running Gas Lines A new gas fireplace will require new gas lines to supply fuel to the unit. On average, the cost to install a gas fireplace in a basement is $1,705 to $4,291. Installing an insert is a great way to minimize maintenance and use an existing fireplace system and masonry. How much does it cost to replace a gas fireplace insert A Guide to the Different Venting Options for Gas Fireplaces How to Vent a Gas Fireplace Without a Chimney - Vertical You While it is possible to install a gas fireplace insert yourself when well-equipped, it will still cost you around $500 or more for supplies. The effective way of ensuring you get the best out of your fireplace is to get it tuned up at least once a year. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'airflowacademy_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-airflowacademy_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Before venting your gas fireplace, first determine if you need ventilation for it. Ceiling fan wire Experience Regencys industry leading flame picture and ambiance at the push of a button with a new gas fireplace insert. In general, hiring a professional will cost around $500 to $3,500 depending on the scope and difficulty of the installation. You can reduce drafts and heat loss by installing glass doors in front of the gas fireplace, but the doors must remain open while the fire is burning. It can be done through an exterior wall or the roof. The compensation we receive for those placements affects how and where advertisers offers appear on the site. Empire Tahoe Deluxe Millivolt Fireplace. You can enjoy the heat, glow, and look of a fire without the smoke and odor of a wood-burning fire. Another good advantage of gas burning is that you can control the amount of heat you want to be produced. Rockwool Insulation It has been a faithful workhorse. This means its possible for your fireplace insert to last quite a long timeespecially if you conduct regular maintenance and treat it well. Therefore, it is a perfect pick for house remodeling because of its easy installation. The Fix. A vented gas fireplace is an important safety feature as it allows heat and gases to escape your house, ensuring proper combustion and carbon monoxide build-up. Lastly, dont forget to fit the propane hose to the exhaust pipe bottom with the help of a metal band or rubber clamp. A natural vent or B-vent draws air for combustion from indoors and throws out exhaust fumes via a chimney or venting system using pipes going through the roof. Measure the WidthMeasure the width of the front opening at both the top and the bottom.Measure across the back wall of the firebox at both the top and the bottom.If your firebox is angled, make additional measurements as needed. Napoleon Grandville VF Series Vent Free Natural Gas Fireplace. Check with your municipality.). Who will install the gas fireplace insert? Is a gas fireplace worth it? A professional will have the experience and knowledge base to install the gas insert correctly and safely. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Gas fireplace inserts are the most energy- With an unvented gas fireplace, the exhaust is released back into the room. Yes, you can install a pellet stove in your Chimney mounts offer several advantages over other antenna mounts, How Much Gas Propane Does A Fireplace Use? I am a mechanical engineer and have a basic knowledge of HVAC systems but I learn continuously to make myself the best blogger in that space. Samantha is an editor who covers all topics home-related including home improvement and repair. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Gas inserts allow you to choose the fire's intensity. How Often Should Gas Fireplace Chimneys Be Cleaned? For this reason, they are made to burn clean and allow the combustion by-product to flow into the room the fireplace is in. You can also control details like the temperature and flame height. They are installed in sections that are from 4 up to 48 in length and are paired with angled elbows of 90 degrees or 45 degrees for ease in placement. A) Through the wall or horizontal direct vent, B) Through the roof or vertical direct vent, EPA Recommendation for using a gas fireplace without a chimney. A pro will correctly install the insert, make any necessary structural adjustments to your home, hook up your fireplace to the gas and electricity lines, and ensure everythings code-compliant. Thats understandable since there are many factors to consider before Airflow Academy is a blog where our team members share tips and posts on the topic of home ventilation. 2 man lift. They each can be built of different materials, but it is gas that has the widest range of choices. People opt to install inserts because traditional fireplaces can lose a lot of heat, require more maintenance, and may impact indoor air quality. A gas insert produces fewer emissions and releases fewer fine particulates into the air, which is helpful for those who suffer from allergies and respiratory illnesses. 10,000-70,000 BTUs of gasoline per hour, and wood-burning gas fireplaces use up to %. Burning is that you can control the amount of heat you want to be produced is no risk of vent! Run between $ 700 and $ 1,800 real flames glow of a fire without the smoke and odor a... Would cost to help guide you in your decisions are a cost-effective and way... 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