FTL is often caused by a serious mental health condition, such as a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or agoraphobia. (so in reality working on 3 to 9 job applications at once, I always would only submit 3-5 applications at once) This helps create more options, without overdoing it. Theyve done thier bit. Challenge this great evil that continues to kill the souls of man. So your relative solitude is also a gift. Dont try to re-do what didnt work before, switch it up a bit now. While last names rarely shift much today (children arent labeled John Programmer) identifications to work still happen at the earliest ages: Oh, you want to be a Doctor when you grow up!. At one point of my life I was very much into eastern/Asian philosophies and what not your post in a way made me reminiscent of that (in which, I thank you!). thanks. If you dont need a lot of it to get by, then youre wasting your time, talent and energy hating other people and their chase for money. My nephew was an underachiever, hard driven by his Wharton Business School father. I am very much more into theory. Back long ago, when I was paid to make paper airplanes and play checkers (strange story for another time), I used to work at Boeing. Nothing youve said leads me to believe youre cursed or out of hope. As if to make matter worse, I have always been the type of an obedient, obeying kid who held all my feelings inside (introverted) and never voiced it out to my parents,..but last year was the climax, as I simply couldnt hold any longer,..and I even honestly often almost cried whenever Im seeing some (not many though!) Did you progress? I am sure you could find a practical job thats feasible for you to perform, even if it may not come as naturally as your art. I didnt go to college till I was 29, I got my HND in Law, then went to University to study for my MA, which I helped pay for by temping as a paralegal. Every day you have a new start. Still hoping for the best. just sayin. Other hint: Theyre psychology and astronomy. Release the echo of abuse and create new narratives for your life. We are not completely, or even mostly, free. Its the same thing only with one more step in between. Some people dont like to work; they only work to survive. They are less realistic for ignoring the pervasive pain. The balance of reaching out and holding back is a very hard line to maintain. Ironically it is possible to use your midlife crisis to help improve your work situation! They have a mediocre life handed to them. Heres the Web site of a guy who runs a nonprofit that books these kinds of shows in Albuquerque. You can consider part-time work, which allows you to also work on your mind, body, and soul. I was laid off 9/2020 due to the pandemic which I thought was my dream job finally. This video is something that just came across my desk, so to speak, and it is about self-awareness, specifically understanding who I am is as well as a process for discerning answers to your questions. If only it were that easy! Its a cheap way to gain some understanding of all the business crap that you dont know, understand or care to know. Come Join us in an Online Retreat Session. But since a midlife transformation is all about change and flexibility: a person can often shift in surprising manners to better improve their employment situation. Here are my last two pitches: This book. There were some very amazing answers and I would tell you to listen to the advice. Savor life in all its facets. If thats still too intertwined with money, perhaps you should go live in the woods for a few weeks Seriously. (1) Dont Let Unemployment Define You. Also know, when unemployment first happens, most people act with fear. Spirituality? Look at the many generations of last names carrying a tradition in labeling people to their work. Taoism 101 Class Session 1 Deep Dive Into History, Potential Sensing & Working with What Might Be. terms and conditions. Many people have often told me that Im actually quite a smart person, even creative, imaginative (and artistic) and some have said highly intelligent beyond the norm/normal. Whats he going to do when his folks get old and die? I think you cannot function well in this great evil that pervades our society. It sounds like you are prefectly happy with the way your life is going right now and apparently your parents are okay with it too or you wouldt still be living in their house. Heres a guy who lives/has lived on zero dollars for 10 years. This section will only focus on the following aspect: How people define their nature to work itself. There is nothing wrong with not wanting anything beyond your necessary means to live by, whether those means are monetary or material. Of course, this is logical, as on average a person spends more time at work than even with family. Often people in unemployment situations end up getting themselves into unbalanced lifestyles. Statistics show it takes longer for older workers to re-find new work. While I know nothing about you, it's possible that you are disillusioned with life because of what some philosophers have called the paradox of hed What is important for your own expression of your humanity? In this case, the question should be shifted to: The main reasons to list could be the following, For survival For consuming For serving For passion/belief For the work itself. So you have to use unemployment as an opportunity to grow and change yourself to be a more aware person. We are not a job! What you do, and what happens next depends only on you. Nothing is inherently wrong in being a consumer, life is a fire, we burn to live, we consume, and its a natural state. I also think it is ok to blame the world for much of your pain. from the bottom of my heart, once again: thank you! Best wishes to you Rico! When times are stressful, make sure you remind yourself that its all a part of getting where you want to be in life. They tend to be satisfied not on the basis of individual success or standoutness, but rather on the basis of belongingness. 1. if I do still have Hope for the future? Go to school. 2. what do I have to do (or start from)?? but I think, if being sour in the name of being realistic is all there is in Life,.then its probably better for me to NOT continue living, I mean, what for?! When you give up hating yourself and hating other human beings, there is hope. I think you might br using your philosophy as an excuse for not reaching your potential. Its about cash flow. So what are you doing there? Being a grown-up sucks. But seriously. Im also very glad that Im NOT alone in feeling all like these, and that there are other person/people who can see things like I do, and even confirmed furthermore in such a clear writings! Unless of course, you are taking care of her, which doesnt mean you live in Push through on both fronts, both personal development, and work options. once again, thank you so much for all the advices. and I dont know if things are already late or not (thats why I asked some other questions back then in fluther, about whether its all too late for me to pursue my true, utmost dream as a musician),..but I do know that I better get started now,..or Ill REGRET it even much much more into a worse condition! Actors go to acting school and land auditions and take risks. So when I stopped liking the job, and it stopped being fun, I left immediately since bullshit is bullshit and is not worth pay in the least. This is often true unless, of course, you love your job, then you should stay. Lots of people do it. Think of your Mum and Dad, if you were working youd be able to help them, which is how life is supposed to be. My brother and sister-in-law finally attended one of his concerts. If so, keep going the way you are going. Assuming youre willing to study and get a degree. If I were you, Id go get an evaluation at a sliding scale mental health clinic. To answer your question, yes, there is hope. Work is not a path. If you havent sold a glass of lemonade in your life or daydreamed of running your own, say, trendy restaurant, why would you consider business? I have to admit that some of the answers even blows me so much, as I could never thought like those before, yet, theyre still very valid. Only you can make your life happen. Let the things and the people you hate go hang. Maybe its time to return to the good ol hippie days, when we lived on the generosity of others, or in shared situations, where we raised our own wheat, made bread, sold it in our shared bakery, made our own clothes, and lived communally. or Ill probably go into a much worse condition. So suck it up. . I thought Id answer your question to give you some insight from someone close to your age. Or those who are so engrained in their truth that this just doesnt matter to them, regardless of the repercussions (like Siddhartha . You gauge your worth every day not others. You dont like details, neither do I but I have a job that allows me to be creative and look at the big picture as well as the details and I am sure there are many, many big picture people who are spiritual and artistic who are also managing to support themselves. Youre 28. You can learn to bite the bullet. So, Ive sat with this long enough. And yet you are told by so many people that YOU are the problem, that YOU are ill. You are suffering in a cruel world. I am in my mid thirties, single, do a low paying job and literally I don't have any special achievements in my life. But I am not upset, broken or The truth is that Im 36 years old and have lived almost all of my adult life as a single man. To some extent, I can relate to what youre saying, being around the same age. That is not true. I am sorry if this sounds simple. But sitting here at nearly 60, still coping with the depression I had before I was a teen I suggest this: The mos While you should be honest and vocal about how society is hurting its members, you should also seriously seek the islands of good in this life. Its nice to know there are other weird people out there in the world, but are you considered weird? You didnt indicate what your education is, but with your love of animals, I wonder if perhaps you might pursue a career as a vet? It sounds to me as if you are tossing out every reason you can possibly think of to avoid taking a job that pays you enough to live on. It's not over yet. What fun you want in life? Fun can be of many types. Having gf/bf/, going to party, traveling exotic places, having lots of mone Take a Break. Realize that so many people felt that way at one point or another. I am lost. Heres a guy who has lived on less than $7,000 a year because he refuses to pay taxes for war. But since you seem to hate money you do have a bit of a dilemma there so maybe you could be a ghost writer of really good music and let someone else get the fame and fortune. Start making one for yourself. Acting to fear often rushes a person into worse situations. Work is merely an activity within life. You cant burn bridges too. All you are teaching them is that if they ask enough or refuse to step up themselves, you'll give them what they want. problems from unemployment and found a path back into a stronger life. Kids do what their families have been doing or they follow their friends; it doesnt bother them. Been back to JA many times, planning on another month-long trip. Not all humans are driven by money. Knowing your responsibilities and getting on with it. So from these two points, understand you are in a longer, more complicated process. Think about what lesson youre teaching. Whats stopping you from being a street performer and accepting donations? Or, as @Seelix suggested, you could try to parlay your skills into a career. Discover how to recreate your life story and move past old trauma using teachings from Taoism and Shamanism. Best fortune as you move ahead and work on your next options Joey. Liking people helps too. You need to do whatever you need to do. I continue to succeed at my external focuses in life, but dont have any success at building any kind of emotional and loving connection with a romantic partner. The so-called realists need to be reminded of the pain it is causing you. Many children of Asian immigrants have a similar problem regarding ambivalence about what they want. You need to decide which is most important to you: continuing to try and remake the world into an image you can stand, or eating. Chances are you will experience unemployment again, so its best to pace yourself and get some good habits under your belt the first time around. Now here is the change in understanding: A wise man once taught me sometimes you just need to change the question you are answering. Consider These 13 Tips. You say you have these interests. But know you are not alone in unemployment: Countless people have faced similar problems from unemployment and found a path back into a stronger life. While I agree, you dont quite see the world like most of the others I dont exactly see that as a negative quality, but a positive. This isnt easy and many times you have to be willing to shift or take jobs that you wouldnt think would work. Employers and workers dont agree, and thats a problem. I quit my job 9 months ago. Theres no hope for you. The more it means you have to switch up what you are doing to be even more yourself. I have been divorced twice, dont have kids yet but still want to have them. Only apply for 1 -3 three job opportunities at any one moment, in any given pathway at once. @niki you are NOT a loser, and you cant think of yourself in those terms if you want to succeed at anything. I am 40 years old. In my last years of high school, I maintained good grades, but I was a punk rock kid who hated authority and didnt want to answer to anyone. Im 30 years old, unemployed with a very pessimistic view of my future. one more thing, I love nature, and animals. Many people live spiritual lives and follow their dreams. Unexpectedly this is a story, a whole story of the workers. Also, in Asian society their sense of self or who they are is fulfilled through relationships. I went back to university in September 2004. Its not too late to change your life, if you are unhappy with it, though you may have to go back to school. If possible or if inspired, use this moment of life as a chance to shift your life into new habits and patterns. Work at a non-profit organization, such as a shelter or welfare group. Be aware, depending on where you live and your culture, there will be many variations to what I have written. We just went. To begin exploring and turning it around as an opportunity. Were not Generation X; were not Generation Y. Were more like Generation WTF because we cant figure out what to do with ourselves. So yes,.related with that question, I want to know if it is indeed very POSSIBLE for me to journey/expand into those new paths of interests, without going through the formal 4-years Degree/study way?how so? (I guess it shows how much one can really be in the dark and deny almost everything else, while locked up in his own room & darkness hating and blaming all society, humanity and this world!). Using Meditation. It just feel so burnt out as well running the same rat race. Also, I dont think our situations are all that different. Theres something up with our generation; by generation I mean those born from about 1977 to 1983 or so. Im 34, depressed, employed (with very minimum salary) have no fun in life but still believe that life needs to go on. My advice is basically not a Business people are excited about opportunities and new ventures. This has to be the best definition of a loser. There is NOTHING you have to fix about yourself you are just fine the way you are. Where did Asian come in? All sessions are by appointment only. If youre worried about other peoples opinion of you because you live with your parents, and you have an antipathy for the people who think that way, then youre really creating a problem for yourself. Walk through life dont run. Anyone can change their life, no matter what age they are. Different will do, but I too know Im different from the mainstream, if you will. Im going to answer as though youre a close friend or sibling whos come to me for advice. I dont presume you are a religious person, but for example churches employ music directors as do schools. all they do is to rake as much profits, money, satisfying themselves, and destroying everything else! Is money an all or nothing proposition for you or are there acceptable shades of gray? Then as your life unfolds in the future, you will shift as needed and change your jobs more fluidly to always be in the balance between yourself and society. In time I rejected a cash flow work ethic where companies and workers rush about to maximize profit. Many very basic examples exist of this defining of our nature to a job. Stop being such a spoiled self-centered prima donna! in other words, can i still get a second chance to fix everything in my life (due to my cursed personality), or its too late? Fear only undercuts your nature. Get over it, or decide that you cant get over it and be happy with whats going on. Employment is a huge issue in midlife. Its just not brought up or discussed. Ive noticed that a lot of the Jellies whove responded to your question are a little older, in some cases, old enough to be our parents. A survey has revealed that, here in the UK, one in three men and one in five women between the ages of 20 and 40 (40!) Sliding scales are based on your income, so you wont have to pay much. If you can cope with playing the game that you so despise (and you dont have to give up all your beliefs and morals to do so), then you have to set goals for yourself! Other times I just want to go back to work because I feel like Im not doing anything important with my life. Stop sitting around feeding off your parents feeling sorry for yourself. We cant always like what happens to us, but we must make the best of it. First of all remember we are not gonna live here forever. Good or Bad, later or Sooner we all gonna die. Whatever the great things you achieve, wha From friends, family, coworkers some just came to me. Nothing new here except the refinement of the high art of modern business economics. An interesting fact I learned is: its not a bad deal to be in the first lay off wave since its easier to find new work (the markets havent been flooded yet by other people). Older workers also have the longest bouts of unemployment. When is someone too old to work and too old to hire? If your needs are modest, there is a lot that you can do. This is a great book on career decision making or allowing yourself to pursue your dream. Become a veterinarian. Realize unemployment is not a reflection of you, rather it represents a point of change. Seriously, you have great answers here. Stop living from the head up and go out and get life experience, that is. The big mistake many people make is either over-react or under-react to over unemployment. You say you dont like money but lets face it, you need it to live. Dont make a mistake to think this moment of life is as simple as going out to get a new job. 2. First off, at 58 I am tired. In Asian families connection is more treasured than independence; I rarely hear about the move-out ultimatum at age 18. It would be only a reflection of you if you were doing a poor job. Also, your cursed personality can only be a curse if you let it. If you expand them, you should be able to find a suitable job that will make an income. Hey @niki It has been a long time since you posted this question. So many people have died in Japan, people are dying in LIbya. I spent the next 5 years working as a fast food restaurant manager and, later, in a bookstore. Michael Rotondo, the man evicted after months of wrangling with his parents, complied Friday with the ruling that a county supreme court justice handed down Using Shamanism. Really? Most people dont care about discussing it, they just simply said thats the way it is, and sometimes I am so jealous of their Ignorance is bliss attitude, whereas I kept thinking about all the injustices this Money System does almost every single day. Surely there are lots of other options. Once understanding why you work, it becomes possible to balance work and lifestyle in a more acceptable nature. Become a park ranger. My daughter: talented and driven UNTIL she met this loser. A charmless face. Alcohol will depress your spirit and make it harder to move into a new life, and drugs will twist your lifestyle quickly out of balance. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Thats their thing then, isnt it? 1. This question is in the General Section. And since I like mostly NON-practical fields such as philosophy, psychology, spirituality, even astronomy, whereas everybody around me keep doing and pushing me to do business, business & only business (to make most money, duh!) while I hate it so much,.so now Im still entrapped and feeling lost confused dont know what to do. The world does, at times, truly suck, but best way forward is to just accept this and be happy anyway. You must have done something right to have been employed for that period of time. Youre not. Bravo @Seelix. Its at first a significant blow to the ego, and no advice saying it isnt wont feel right. - 1 Year On Kittie Bee 1.3K subscribers 18K views 6 years ago My video Unemployed Loser- Social Anxiety and Jobs is over a year old now. Nobody likes the Money System. I started working when I was 18 years old, and there were many years while raising 3 children by myself that I worked 2 and 3 jobs to keep afloat. Its all a part of getting where you want to go back JA! Culture, there is hope be happy anyway well in this great evil that continues to the... And your culture, there is hope a cash flow work ethic where companies and workers rush about to profit... While I hate it so much for all the Business crap that you wouldnt think would work examples. You love your job, then you should be able to find a job. All or nothing proposition 30 year old unemployed loser you or are there acceptable shades of gray much of your pain age are... 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