The recognition of the human factor in production as the supreme one puts a premium on the importance of industrial relations. Secondly, the state plays a role in protecting workers rights. The costs of activity-based management. This results in ignoring any unfair practices that could lead to major conflicts between employers and trade unions. Thus, it is evident that good industrial relations is the basis of higher production with minimum cost and higher profits. In the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru The alternative (to industrialisation) is to remain in a backward, under-developed, poverty-stricken and a weak country. These mechanisms enable the workers to give their best to the organization. The main object of industrial relation is a complete mental revolution of workers and employees. "The Industrial Relations Environment in Malaysia", Malaysian Management Review, Vol. The conclusion of the Industrial Revolution was that it was a great boon to the entire human race. Industrial relations are human relations in industry. Managers who take this view regard themselves as the only legitimate source of power and authority which they value and protect. (b) Compare. Satisfying employees is significant for maintaining better industrial relations, and this can be obtained with a transparent and effective communication system in the organisation. A conclusion can have multiple objectives . Its length depends on the overall word count of your essay. As guardians of industrial relations and social justice, governments are responsible for regulating relations based on respect for fundamental human and workers rights, and to achieve industrial balance, the majority of workers must be socially responsible. There has been a phenomenal growth in employment, wages, benefits, working conditions, status of the worker, educational facilities etc. THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EMPLOYMENT said that it was of paramount importance to put the proposals in his memorandum to the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Confederation of British Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Industrial relations seek to protect the rights of managers too. The objective is to attain the organizational objective of high productivity and profitability by securing employees interest. Class struggles and class antagonisms have been responsible for bloody revolutions in the past, threatening world peace. Effective Utilization of Resources 6. Government plays the following key roles in industrial relations; Role of the three actors in industrial relations, Examples of Market Failure and Government Intervention, Nature and scope of Comparative public administration, Role of employees in industrial relations . They affect production and national income in an adverse manner. This ensures smooth running of the organization and continuous production. It helps promoting cooperation and increasing production. In developing a theory of industrial relations various approaches or perspectives have been identified. Armstrong (1999) says that the philosophy of HRM with its emphasis on commitment and mutuality is based on the unitary perspective. Better management of industrial relations in an industry is a sine qua non for the success of the industrial concern. It is also viewed that one of the essential steps for building up an economically free and self-sustaining India is, large- scale industrialization at a rapid and steady growth. Further, profile of workers have changed from uneducated to educated ones; from semi-skilled to skilled; from technical to executives in industrial sector more particularly in knowledge-based sector. Employees work with great zeal with the feeling in mind that the interest of employer and employees is one and the same, i.e., to increase production. However, the concept of industrial relations has a broader meaning. To boost the discipline and morale of workers. But can HRM incorporate any of the aspects of pluralism? To establish a full employment situation. The major important of industrial relations are the contribution of industrial relations If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. Report a Violation 11. Good industrial relations bring industrial peace, which is turn tends to increase production. It results in industrial peace which is essential for the countries, particularly for India, where the economy is being geared in a planned way to ameliorate the lot of the masses. focuses on individual employees and the management strategies needed to increase employee satisfaction, organisational commitment, motivation and work performance, employees have universal needs, best identified and met using techniques drawn from psychology and organisational behaviour. You can use the stages below to help you start drafting your conclusion: Explain the importance of the findings. Everything you need to know about the importance of industrial relations. They see their role as one of controlling the activities of the workforce and assume that all employees share the common goals of the organization, are loyal to the `management team and totally committed to the purposes of the organization. Copyright 2021 - Just another Sidmatech initiative website, Role of government in industrial relations, How to Write a Conclusion for Your Dissertation, Disadvantages of ICT in public Administration. This means, continuous employment for all from manager to workers. As the custodian of the nation, the government plays an impartial role as it exerts influence and acts as a mediator in industrial relations. With the attainment of independence and with the launching of planning era, serious and earnest efforts have been made towards rapid economic development of India. In general, it is proposed to produce some type of thought construction . Industrial peace must be maintained at any cost to ensure better performance in industry. WebIn conclusion, the development of industrial relation in the organization is identified by various approaches and perspectives. Following are the significant features of industrial relations: Industrial relations are the result of employment relationships in industrial enterprises. Prohibited Content 3. The rules between the parties of employment allow the conflict to be accommodated. Moreover IR strategy used to be reactive in the past. Content Filtration 6. However, avoid repeating the thesis verbatim. WebAccording to Prof. Dunlop, An industrial relations framework is designed to be applicable at once to three broad areas of industrial relations experience, namely-(i) industrial relations It helps to minimise wastage of material, manpower, and costs. The industrial relations includes four types of relations: (i) Labour relations (ii) Group relations Industrial sociology and industrial relations : an assessment of the contribution which industrial sociology can make towards understanding and resolving some of the problems now being considered by the Royal Commission / by Alan Fox, London :, H.M.S.O. Banking and E-Banking Definition, Types, Functions and FAQs, Business Environment - Definition, Components, Dimensions & Examples, Planning Premises - Introduction to Planning Premises, Importance, and Types, Consumer Surplus - Producers, Assumptions, Importance and FAQ's, Bank Reconciliation - Statement Rules, Importance and Statement Format, Business Entity Concept - Finance, Owners, Limitations and Examples, Difference Between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Find Best Teacher for Online Tuition on Vedantu. To establish support between managers and employees. Today labour is no more an unorganized mass of ignorant and unconscious workers ready to obey the arbitrary and discretionary distates of the management. In industrial relations, real conflicts more often than not, arise between employers and employees. Encyclopedia Britannica defined IR more elaborately as The concept of industrial relation has been extended to denote the relations of the State with employers, workers and other organizations. (h) Production and productivity improves. Web481. Edwards, P., (2003), Industrial relations: Theory and practice 2nd ed. 2223. industrial relations, Globalisation and the developed market economies, MG316: Comparative Employment and Industrial Relations. Terms of Service 7. viii. There is no inter-union rivalry. Several parties play a role in industrial relations. 10, No. We provide you year-long structured coaching classes for CBSE and ICSE Board & JEE and NEET entrance exam preparation at affordable tuition fees, with an exclusive session for clearing doubts, ensuring that neither you nor the topics remain unattended. The importance of the human factor in an industrial organisation is beyond question. Conflict is, thus, an aberration, which is the temporary result of a lack of fit between the employer and the employee. Pattern of IRs is influenced by peoples value, belief, perception, aptitude, personality, attitudes, ethical value etc. Balance Maker Thirdly, the state can be viewed as a balance maker. As S. C. Kuchhal rightly put it, the larger the range they cover and the more fundamental the commodities or services they are associated with, the more marked is their influence and damage. Employers give unions their rightful recognition and encourage them to participate in all decisions. Frequent industrial conflicts not only affect the management and labour but also tend to impoverish the community as a whole. Neo-institutionalism is a set of rules which followed by the employees of the organization so that everyone follows and committed to the rules which helps to create value. WebThe objectives of industrial relations are as follows: 1. This also explained about the adaptions of HRM and neo-institutionalism. The recognition of the human factor in production as the supreme one puts a premium on the importance of industrial relations. Discouraging unfair practices on the part of both management and employees. vi. Industrial relations are concerned with the relationship between management and workers. Collective bargaining is the effective mechanism of shaping the pattern of industrial relations. The managers achieve results by joining the groups, encouraging participation, motivating employees and coordinating their work efforts. made up of three main actors that act as a wheel that takes industrial relation. The healthy industrial relations are key to the progress and success. retrieved on 17th August, 2010. In the opinion of V. B. Singh, Industrial relations are an integral aspect of social relations arising out of employer-employee interaction in modern industries which are regulated by State in varying degrees, in conjunction with organized social forces and influenced by the existing institutions. Its time to discuss what shouldnt be there! soft HRM has fundamental contradictions: individual performance and development, and team-based cooperation, implementing organisational flexibility can undermine the stability, trust and long-term development needed to achieve organisational goals. Paraphrase your argument slightly while still preserving the primary point. It has also been recognised that management without labour would be sterile and labour without management would be disorganised, ill-equipped and ineffective. How to use conclusion in a sentence. WebYou can use this free online tool to write a conclusion for an essay and any other content. Both hard and soft HRM lack empirical evidence confirming prescriptions. This can have a negative impact on economic development and social stability. As such, there are many definitions of IR. Web8.0 Conclusion. All the three factors are very much required for the smooth and better economic development of a country. 1. The importance of the human factor in an industrial organisation is beyond question. Study for free with our range of university lectures! The major drawback of industrial relations was that it was restrictive. They lead to wastage, class hatred, embitter mutual relations and inflict damages on the progress of the nation. A close watch will reveal that it becomes a vital concern for the community also. READ: Role of government in industrial relations Benefits of joining a trade union WebINDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Learning Objectives After going though this unit you should be in a position to explain the following terminologies: Concept of Industrial Relations If institutions are broadly understood as the rules of the game that direct and circumscribe organizational behaviour, then the organization confronting institutional pluralism plays in two or more games at the same time. Uploader Agreement. It involve tripartite system which consists of employer, employee and government. Dont simply summarize whats come before. It is dynamic and changing all the time (Salamon, 1994, p.3). All these necessitate the maintenance of harmonious industrial relations so as to maintain higher productivity to fulfill the goals of the Five Year Plans in India. To help government in making laws forbidding unfair practices of unions and employers. In conclusion, Industrial Relation is important to create a harmonious workplace and create a positive and harmonious relation between employers and employees. WebFinish your conclusion with a call for action or analysis of the prospects of the discussed issue. Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Importance of Industrial Relations. Integration of employees into organisational strategy. WebConclusion. In a climate of good industrial relations, every party works for the solidarity of workers movement. To help in the economic progress of a country. In a conflict between the workers and the employer, it is not the fact that only one of the parties suffer, usually the workers. Industrial relations have their impact not only on the industrial unit but also on the society. Good industrial relation helps in effective utilization of man, money and material. If the twin objectives of rapid national development and increased social justice are to be achieved, there must be harmonious relationship between management and labour. Conclusion 209 As Poole, Lansbury and Wailes note, though there may be macro conditions that favour industrial democracy, the adoption of employee participation at the level of the firm is subject to organisational choice by WebConclusion of Trade Union act 1926. Thus, a conclusion can serve to: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Good industrial relation boosts the morale of the employees. with the growth and spread of industry. Conflict can also arise from poor management, and merely requires management to refocus itself. They increase labour efficiency also. ). The two main schools within the HRM approach are 1) soft HRM 2) hard HRM. On the other hand, the term relations refers to the relationship, which exists within the industry between the management and the employees. v. The relationship is based on economic, non-economic issues arising out of terms and conditions of employment as also practices not covered under the terms. We may have clear idea about industrial relations from the following: i. The size of industrial labour in India has increased remarkably due to rapid and planned industrial development. Generating a peaceful environment for employees and as a regulator of industrial actions. Good IR helps to run an industry effectively and successfully. Satisfied workers are less inclined towards entering into conflict with the management on issues like low wages, long work hours, and unhealthy work environment. A conclusion, as the final section of a research paper, gives a clear explanation of your researchs findings in a way that emphasizes the value of your research. 2. Indeed, you should refer to your thesis statement in your conclusion. To ensure the creative contribution of trade unions to avoid industrial conflicts. Industrial relations play a vital part in facilitating the process of dispute resolution in organizations. Managements aims are to achieve best fit between HR strategy and business strategy. Industrial relations generally involve employment relations related issues in the past and present and how the changes happened. Different scholars have expressed their different views on the scope of industrial relations. Provision of training and education program. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); iii. According to Richard A Lester, the scope of industrial relations is no longer limited only to trade unions and industrial management, rather it includes all aspects of labour such as wages, productivity, social security, management, and employee policies. Different authors and experts have expressed their views on the concept of industrial relations. We have grown leaps and bounds to be the best Online Tuition Website in India with immensely talented Vedantu Master Teachers, from the most reputed institutions. Restate the thesis. Privacy Policy 9. WebScientific Paper Conclusion Example. For example, at the Alwar plant of Eicher Tractors, productivity went up from 32 per cent between 1994 and 1996 to 38 per cent in 1997. They consider the negotiation process as an educational opportunity, a chance both to learn and to teach. Industrial relations are the relationships between employees and employers within the organizational settings. Huge Collection of Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management shared by visitors and users like you. It increases the place of workers in the society and their ego is satisfied. The book was published by Harper Business in June 2022. This function is performed under the supervision of the Director of the Industrial Relations department. The field of industrial relations needs a new looks which is free from suspicion, prejudice and ill-will towards workers. Industrial relations are human relations in industry. Thus, IR paves way for smooth relation between the traditional warring groups. To conclude, industrial relation, also known as an employment relationship, is the versatile academic field that studies the employment relation, i.e. Decisions about the adoption of specific HRM policy becomes increasingly about cost-benefit analysis. ii. WebAs a conclusion, industrial relations are about the employee, labor or employment relations. approaching employees directly as individuals or in groups rather than through their representatives (Armstrong, 1999); an approach, of course, which excludes trade unions. The Act is enforced by This promotes economic growth and development. Recruitment, Selection, and Placement of labourers. Trade unionism in India suffers from a variety of problems, such as politicization of the unions, multiplicity of unions inter and intra-union rivalry, small size and low membership, financial weakness,and lack of welfare facilities for the members, weak bargaining power, reliance on litigation and strikes, and dependence on The term industrial relation may be conceptualised as relations between labour and management, The task of labour is to fit within this framework. Good industrial relation brings about realization among the employees that gain to the organization will not only benefit the employer but will benefit them as well. Improves Morale 5. Neo-institutionalism is a set of analytical tools among the industrial relations on the formal and informal rules regulate the employment and the social processes which create and enforce these rules. Industrial relations incorporate both individual relations and collective relations. Different systems may contain different forms of such rules and regulations. The intervention of the Government to shape the industrial relation is made through laws, agreements, rules, charters, etc. The important functions of industrial relations are: To establish communication between workers and management to maintain the sound relationship between the two. Industrial relations helps students understand employment relationships better, Their significance may be discussed as under: Good industrial relations reduce the industrial disputes. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! The employer in his turn must realise that the gains of industry are not for him along but they should be shared equally and generously with his workers. Industrial Relations & Workplace Change. Different important functions performed by workers of the industrial relation department includes: Management of policies and programs of industrial relations. Encouraging execution of sound regulatory legislation. Content Guidelines 2. Wastages of man, material and machines are reduced to the minimum and thus national interest is protected. Moreover, career patterns have also changed widely by providing change for wide varieties of jobs to the working communities. Hence it is broader in meaning and wider in scope. Promotes Democracy: Industrial relations means employing collective bargaining to resolve issues faced by workers. The importance of the human factor in an industrial organisation is beyond question. The most important benefit of industrial relations is that this ensures continuity of production. It results in industrial peace which is essential for the countries, particularly for India, where the economy is being geared in a planned way to ameliorate the lot of the masses. Viewed as a regulator of industrial relations, every party works for community. 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