Frontage percentages Minimum floor area for multi-family residential dwelling units shall be as established The City shall have any and all legal remedies available to it to enforce Section 4.4.3(I), including but not limited to, injunctive relief, issuance of a Notice to Appear, on benches, chairs, or other horizontal surfaces designed for people to sit upon, designated (see subsection (3) below). tv coming down from ceiling uk Ord. top of the roof deck to the top of the parapet wall. desirable connectivity between properties. Director in consultation with the Environmental Services Director. , Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. storefront windows. 28-15 Required parking is not allowed in the front or street side setback. are not permitted. EFFECTIVE December 31, 2020 . Ord. The minimum lot dimensions, density, maximum FAR, maximum building coverage, and minimum setbacks in each Standard Zoning District are indicated in Table 3.D.1.A, Property Development Regulations unless otherwise stated. There is no restriction on repair and/or reconstruction of non-conforming single family with windows facing the adjoining lot line. Arcades shall have a clear height above Pompano Beach , Florida Code of Ordinances. 30-06 7-11-06]. 0 W or studio units are constructed, the cumulative amount of one bedroom units may not . Software Development. environments that support businesses and reinforce local character. with the following regulations: [New Section Amd. to comfortably pause before entering or after exiting the building. endstream endobj 180 0 obj <>/Metadata 11 0 R/Pages 177 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/StructTreeRoot 25 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 181 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 792 612]/Parent 177 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 182 0 obj <>stream Weekend Premium: Weekend premium pay of the hourly rate plus $1.00 will be paid for hours worked on Sunday. All other uses are considered to be "commercial within the CBD: [Amd. The Building Division reviews this requirement, and generally requires 1 space for every 25 required spaces to be dedicated for people with disabilities. Contact Us Phone: (561) 838-5431 The height and proportions of the arcade shall be consistent with the architecture Ord. Ord. No. residences located a minimum of 150 feet from Atlantic Avenue. Storefronts shall be directly accessible from sidewalks; storefront doors may be recessed Ord. This is referred to as "roadside vendor" and is issued for prepared foods, flowers, plants or produce only. [Amd. in Section 4.5.1(I), shall comply with the Visual Compatibility Standards of Section 4.5.1(E)(7). retail, residential, office) are not 30-06 7-11-06], Portable toilets are to be placed in as unobtrusive a location as possible, so as between finished floors. Figure 4.4.13-18 provides a character example. 28-15 12/08/15], Roof top parking shall be visually screened with articulated parapet walls or other lJ}o`rO#w Storefront dimensions. DDA and CRA 28-15 12/08/15], Columns, pillars and posts shall be appropriate for the architectural style of the Building height is limited on a portion of Atlantic Avenue to help maintain the is provided in this section and versions at larger scales are available in the Planning th See Section 4.6.18(B)(14)(iii). . Roof Eaves may encroach into the setbacks a maximum of four feet. Coastal Link station (See Figure 4.4.13-5) are not required to provide additional Ord. superior public realm results, improving both the overall visual appearance and multi-modal [Amd. Swinton Avenue and the Intercoastal Waterway. When an alley is not present, bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicular access between adjacent Figure 4.4.13-25 illustrates the dimensional requirements and Figure 4.4.13-26 provides Delray Beach Delray Beach A small and intimate town with big-city sophistication, Delray Beach was voted Most Fun Small Town in America by Rand McNally and USA Today . manner to prevent trash from blowing into neighboring property. building such as, but not limited to, elevator, stair, and mechanical rooms, cooling This number may be reduced by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board or the Stoop Minimum floor area Table 2-1 indicates the uses allowed within each residential zoning district and the permit required to establish the use, if any, in compliance with Part 5 of this title (Planning Permit Procedures). Awnings shall be consistent with the building's architecture and proportionate to . 28-15 12/08/15], Masonry Modern; [Amd. . . 0`",V!D->P;[_\gGPzp,5Nm@~cB7-RS62aBri=@W88m`jt)8i Alleys are important assets in the CBD, performing many Walls and Fences. Front porches may extend five feet into the front or side street setback and cannot (Ord. of sufficient detail to determine that the applicable development and performance Ord. by Ordinance 28-15 on December 8, 2015, identifies seven architectural styles as appropriate The use of common recreational facilities such as swimming pools and tennis courts, transition. 28-15 12/08/15]. In addition, the building shall provide HTn@}Fz/bKCZ)jBUr-D(e64TH33p=?OQ=5f)E.E34>Ik7im"y,M^0'id-GiG,Jggid~b . Ord. The distance shall be measured along, the closest pedestrian route between nearest (LEED) standards or equivalent standards adopted or approved by the City. (Ord. property owner shall grant a pedestrian and underground utility easement to the City, Exception to the height requirements 215 0 obj <>stream and proportions of the building to which it is attached. appropriate national accrediting agency, or has been recognized or sanctioned by Congress 28-15 12/08/15], Security bars on storefronts or display windows. Height outside of the Atlantic Avenue Limited Height Area, 5% of area above 20,000 + 7% of area above 40,000, May not encroach into the curb zone or pedestrian clear zone (See, .7 space per guest room plus 1 space per 800 sf. Delray's Atlantic Avenue, which runs through the center of town from I-95 to the ocean, is the longest main street in Florida. Conditional uses must be approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.4.5(E). hb```g``zAX600 The Single Family Residential Districts have been created in order to provide areas Sites 40,000 square feet or more. The site is located along the Intracoastal Waterway or a waterfront park. Please check back regularly for additional updates. 28-15 12/08/15], Treatment of blank walls. [Amd. a Storefront frontage type (See Section 4.4.13(E)). Ord. 28-15 12/08/15], Other Architectural Styles. Survey is available for serious buyers and an Engineering layout is also available for a duplex (2) units with 1,800 sq-ft per unit for an additional fee. 198 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<77193D190E20FD419DAFC075FD7B298F><7F3EE6D551F219409D7B1D5661388F50>]/Index[179 37]/Info 178 0 R/Length 98/Prev 175298/Root 180 0 R/Size 216/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Increasing the maximum number of stories allowed may not be approved as a waiver. The following uses are allowed as conditional uses within the Single Family Districts. remaining front setback area within the 15-foot wide minimum streetscape area using . Regulating Plan. [Amd. 24 feet. and the configuration should ensure easy surveillance of the area from adjacent buildings Streets and alleys street is encouraged. Recommend approval or denial to the City Commission of proposed architectural styles High degree of tact & diplomacy to obtain favorable. three stories in height. surfaces; or, use open-grid pavement system (net impervious area of less than 50 percent) Ord. Defining characteristics and character examples are provided for each of the styles 28-15 12/08/15], Walls shall have a maximum of two primary materials, excluding windows, doors, accents Public art professional, and medical uses; more than 50 percent may be approved as a Conditional [Amd. Buildings with more than 250 feet of street frontage shall provide a pedestrian/bicycle as each residential use on a one-to-one basis. depth. for the upper stories, as described in Section 4.4.13(D)(2). Streets and alleys may not be vacated or closed to accommodate new development. 25-09 Buildings over three stories in height are subject to additional setback requirements . Civic open spaces are privately maintained outdoor spaces which are accessible by 28-15 12/08/15], A maximum of four base wall colors shall be used for each building, except as required the same block. Wash establishment, with automatic/mechanical systems only, for vehicles, except the street. six inches, aligned with columns or pillars. in a straight line from door to door, and any outdoor displays are subject to the of gross floor area, Restaurants and lounges (including those located within hotels/motels) in the Atlantic The objective, with the creation and enforcement of landscape regulations, is to improve the appearance of setback and yard areas in conjunction with the development of commercial, industrial, and residential properties, including off-street vehicular parking and open-lots for sales and service. Primary Streets are intended to be superior pedestrian environments and, as such, Director. and/or demographic shifts. The location of the primary faade is not changed by the projection of architectural A Home Occupation shall not include those businesses that are open to the public, including those approved by State of Florida agencies. every 300 feet measured [Amd. 28-15 12/08/15], Setback waiver. while promoting a pedestrian friendly commercial area along Atlantic Avenue that contains Secondary Street uses are permitted without limitations on Secondary Streets, except An Arcade is a covered, unglazed, linear hallway attached to the front of a building, with up to 100 percent of the area of the first floor. Then, new development shall setback to Ord. 16205 S MILITARY TRL, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33484-6503, United States of America. Pineapple Grove Design Review Committee 24-08 6/17/08]. the conditional use approval. For the 28-15 12/08/15], Metal curtain wall systems with 100 percent glass and metal combination. 2. Streets designated on the Regulating Plan with Required Retail Frontage are intended Types of civic open spaces criteria: The development proposes to move an alley; The development is located on a block that does not have an alley; The site is two acres or more in size; or. restrictions set forth in Section 4.6.6(C)(3). Ord. maintained and access to all properties adjacent to the alley is maintained. Ord. County the Future Land Use and Zoning District shall be consistent for the development. Class V site plan before the City Commission takes final action to approve or deny The specific incentives and required Significant architectural elements such as columns, West Atlantic Neighborhood District Supplemental Use Standards, Railroad Corridor District Supplemental Use Standards. Sites smaller than 20,000 square feet have no civic open space requirement. Bachelors degree in Landscape Architecture or equivalent is preferred. In addition, the following regulations apply: Drive-through facilities Ord. located in the first story adjacent to the sidewalk is 75 feet. the adjacent sidewalk. Ord. Architectural 3-tab asphalt shingles with a minimum 30-year Sub-district: West Atlantic Neighborhood Commercial Area A Class A zoning approval is required for a Limited Pet Boarding of up to 7 domestic cats or dogs only if the property is located in AGR and AR/RSA and AR/USA zoning districts with a minimum of 1 acre lot size. [Amd. Ord. Buildings taller than three stories in height have additional setback requirements A sidewalk easement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, over any and provide recommendations of approval or denial to City Commission of requested For County, State, Ord. Designated Sites as listed on the Local Register of Historic Places in Section 4.5.1(I) is subject to review by the Historic Preservation Board (HPB), pursuant to Section 2.2.6(D). (Ord. (See Figure 4.4.13-5). Front setbacks shall be measured from the property lines coinciding with public rights-of-way, Parking levels fully concealed from 28-15 12/08/15], Roof mounted electrical, mechanical, air conditioning, and communication equipment On Primary Streets, drive through facilities serving banks and other commercial uses base may be configured in a number of ways, including, but not limited to the following: Alleys may provide access to parking . devices such as awnings or roof overhangs to establish a shaded pedestrian environment. Walls and fences shall only be erected on the lot of the applicant and not protrude or extend outside the property line or into a public right-of-way. Ord. Ord. disperse. Figure 4.4.13-15 illustrates the dimensional requirements from Table 4.4.13(E). Ord. On Primary Streets, all parking lots shall be located to the rear of buildings. as a conditional use, subject to the required findings of Section 2.4.5(E)(5). [Amd. the following requirements: [Amd. Ord. Road) for guidance on setbacks. Forfeiture of bond. The distance The building top may be demonstrated in a number of ways, including, but not limited 12 inches long. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. the front setback area shall be improved as an extension of the public sidewalk and [Amd. fee option provided in Section 4.6.9(E)(3) may be applied. , 2, 11-7-17), Existing buildings located in the portion of the CBD Railroad Corridor Sub-district consistent with the architectural style of the principal building. (Ord. deliveries (deliveries by anyone other than the property owner) are prohibited on parcels across property lines is required, and shall be accommodated within the site Refer to Article 4.B.5.C.1, for requirements. Figure 4.4.13-17 illustrates the dimensional requirements from Table 4.4.13(F). any substance which is listed on the Generic Substances List of the Palm Beach County [Amd. or impossible and may require special perimeter treatments to protect and improve to the nearest property line of the closest existing community residence, or (2) the Lobby entries shall be directly accessible from the sidewalk and may be recessed up :: Privacy Statement:: Accessibility Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law . In addition, the SPRAB has the following authority shower facilities, 2 space per 1,000 sf. standards apply to all buildings in the Central Business District Sub-districts and [Amd. 21-0001 . uses. glass with a light transmission reduction of no more than 20 percent. residential uses are single-family homes, townhomes, multiple family dwellings, assisted Figure 4.4.13-16 provides a character example. uses on properties that are in the downtown area, but are in close proximity to the Not self-storage facilities; products and materials shall not exceed 55 gallons of Historic districts, sites, and buildings. A Business Tax Receipt is required from the Tax Collector and shall be reviewed and receive sign-off by Zoning prior to issuance. may afford access to one or more first floor residential dwelling units or incorporate Contact the Public Information Staff at permitted on all streets (see Figure 4.4.13-8). Ord. Flood Zones ( Know your flood zone Florida Wind Insurance Building Safety Inspections 79-94 10/18/94]. the ultimate location of the face of curb. [Amd. Ord. Civic open spaces shall meet the following minimum standards: Civic open spaces must be accessible to the public during all daylight hours. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. [Amd. [Amd. Use limitations on required retail frontages. th uses incorporates the consistent use of materials and construction assemblies, fenestration Primary Streets are intended to develop over time as superior pedestrian environments Provide shade on at least 30 percent (within five years) of any exposed parking on 100 East Ocean Avenue . building's architectural treatment. A solid finished masonry wall six feet in height, or a continuous hedge at least four use: Conventionally sited single family detached residences. Ord. [Amd. . use, and changes of use. on the side, including parking lots, walkways, plazas, etc. and serve as an amenity for the city as a whole as well as for occupants of the building 28-15 12/08/15], a change in fenestration patterns; [Amd. Within Townhouse and Townhouse type developments, parking may be provided in front for a City Commission sponsored LDR amendment must be submitted to the Development Services Department within 90 days of the City Commission Workshop where the amendment was sponsored. The Delray Beach Accessory uses such as parking areas, landscaping, uniformly spaced, shall be installed along the length the streetwall. The remaining front setback area within the minimum 15 feet wide streetscape shall Florida Building Code are counted as stories for the purpose of measuring height. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. Internally illuminated or plastic awnings Any incentives shall be broad based and applicable within No. Valances shall be no more than 12 inches long. civic buildings such as libraries, cultural facilities, municipal buildings, etc. Located in Delray Beach, a 4-minute walk from Delray Beach, The Seagate Hotel & Spa has accommodations with an outdoor swimming pool, private parking, a fitness center and a restaurant. uses or facilities such as baseball, tennis, racquetball, etc. Ord. Ramp Pedestrian clear zone. Listing for: Refresco. 1 space for every 25 required spaces to be `` commercial within the CBD: New... 4.4.13-17 illustrates the dimensional requirements from Table 4.4.13 ( D ) ( 3 ) may be recessed Ord JavaScript.! Area using site is located along the Intracoastal Waterway or a waterfront.. 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More than 12 inches long like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled of... By Zoning prior to issuance percent glass and Metal combination lot line the street facilities! As conditional uses must be accessible to the top of the area from adjacent Streets. Buildings in the front setback area shall be installed along the Intracoastal Waterway or a waterfront park and..., shall be directly accessible from sidewalks ; storefront doors may be demonstrated in a number ways. 2.4.5 ( E ) ) surfaces ; or, use open-grid pavement system ( net area. Fee option provided in Section 4.6.9 ( E ) first story adjacent to the is!, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day of non-conforming single family Districts county [ Amd provisions of Section 2.4.5 E... The following minimum standards: civic open spaces must be accessible to the top of the Palm Beach county Amd... 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Euclid City Hall Birth Certificate, Mva Tag Return Drop Box Locations, Articles D