This was demonstrated over and over again in the painful months that we lived through earlier this year. Dont worry, were gonna get you out of here. FD operates on Fire Ops 2. This unusual arrangement meets New Jersey's strict hospital-based ALS rules, while giving Hatzolah its own ALS coverage. There are now three Hatzolah Chapters covering Lakewood, Hatzolah Lakewood of Central New Jersey, , Hatzalah Jersey Shore (Out of Monmouth Co) and Hatzalah Miami (Out of Miami FL) with the last two chapters now having branches operating in Lakewood area. The author thanks his brother, Rav Yehoshua Kaganoff of Passaic, NJ, as the source for many of the halachic opinions quoted in this article. They are planning to go to the Federal Communications Commission to ban anyone else from using it, but that takes a long time. It launched on November 16, 2014. Here's the meaning of the song on the radio at the end of Episode 1 from The Last of Us. Clearly it does not fit into the first category of items that are excluded from the laws of muktzah and may be moved without any reason. The Chachamim rally support to their approach from a famous pasuk, And they shall pound their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks (Yeshaya 2:4), demonstrating that in the times of Moshiach weapons will be meaningless. Fire 1 Dispatch/Fire 5 Fireground (Simplex), Police Park Rangers, Animal Control, Auxiliary Police, Police Emergency Services Unit (ESU) Suitcase Repeater (APCO-25 and Analog Capable), Office of Emergency Management - Dispatch/Operations, Ocean Beach Unit I (lifeguards, beach patrol and security patrol), EMS Ch. 514-341-1818 or 1-877-341-1818. This is still in the planning stages and there is no set date as of yet as to when they will launch but the proposed unit prefix will be "CL". Anything necessary to save and preserve life will be done, without compromise. Unique to New Jersey, Central Jersey has a Paramedic (ALS) unit. Police, Fire and EMS (EMS covered by Tri Boro EMS) all dispatched by Ocean County. Hatzolah has shown that it is committed to excellence, even in the face of danger and despite whatever challenges it may face. Hatzalah is an all-volunteer Emergency medical services organization staffed by Jewish Orthodox Emergency medical technicians and Paramedics. These poskim contend that this type of utensil is considered muktzah and may not be moved even if it is in the way (see Pri Megadim, Aishel Avraham 279:12; Aruch Hashulchan 279:1; based on Tosafos, Shabbos 36a s.v. Hatzolah of Linden launched on August 25, 2021. S Steve162 Member Premium Subscriber Joined Mar 23, 2008 Messages 48 Location Hainesport, NJ Feb 16, 2022 #2 What exactly do you mean by, "codes?" A Whats going to be? Give your loved ones the perfect gift for any special occasion by honouring them with a donation to Hatzolah in their name. GMRS works for about 2 to 5 miles, and technically needs a (easily obtained) license but the GMRS radios are widely sold in Wal-Mart and electronics stores. 4. However, other poskim consider a candle and any other utensil to not always be muktzah, contending it may be moved if it is in the way or it has a Shabbos purpose (Magen Avraham 308:18; based on Rashba, Shabbos 154b). Used to keep the patient's airway clear and open. EMS dispatched by county with ops on VHF LB Island-2. This chapter is part of Central Hatzalah of New York City. However, under normal circumstances, one may not move a kli shemelachto lissur if one is concerned that it may become damaged where it was left. building. July 16, 2018 10:18 am at 10:18 am #1558504 Avram in MDParticipant bk613, "what legal right does Hatzolah have to confiscate private property from them" The article did not state that Hatzolah . Nechemiah then describes how he succeeded in closing the city gates the entire Shabbos in order to keep the markets closed. I want to point out that according to both of these approaches, one may carry the Hatzalah radio when one may need to use it, and one may move it if it may become stolen or broken and he may need it later today. Seems to sound much clearer. Completely Muktzah. If you are in need of emergency assistance, call us. To quote Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim 328:2): It is a mitzvah to desecrate Shabbos for a dangerous illness. For our purposes, we will subdivide this category into two general sub-categories: 4A: Items that do not qualify as utensils or food at all, such as money, living animals, sticks and stones. If a life is not in imminent danger, rather wait until after Shabbat before calling Hatzolah. If the dispatcher is telling us, Put a rush on it because its a Code One (life threatening) situation, we cannot hear the dispatcher say that, he said. Also unique, Central Jersey has its own Rescue (extrication) unit. With renowned music star R Shloime Taussig as well as an appearance by Uri Davidi, one of the most dynamic performers on the Jewish music scene, you can be sure youll be reveling in the ambiance. Hatzolah of Middlesex County,[42] with "MC-prefix" unit numbers. Because of privacy rules, Hertzka refused to reveal the outcome of the incident. Likewise, Hatzolah of Passaic / Clifton, with "P-prefix" unit numbers, covers both parts of the community, but is primarily based in Passaic, with some members and management in Clifton. MAY ONE CARRY IT ON SHABBOS? This chapter covers the neighborhood of Willowbrook. Police dispatched by Long Beach. More than just a nostalgic possession, the book contains a piece of paper with codes scribbled on it. The Mishnah (Shabbos 63a) records a dispute between Rabbi Eliezer and the Chachamim whether one may carry weapons on Shabbos when there is no pikuach nefesh to carry them. The chapter also uses a mobile command center for dealing with large events. You can also view the livestream at,, or, or listen to Radio Kol Brama at 712-432-4212. window.fcWidget.init({ token: "99198db8-ea46-4f69-a106-4fd0076835b4", host: ""});window.fcWidget.hide(); Get the weekly Voice in your inbox, free! It was founded in 1995.[48]. Sterile dressings designed for the treating and cooling of direct burns and scalds on the body. - Jackson For events in various hotels, they have responded to Somerset as well. Hoping to get it up asap. The Chachamim disagree, noting that in the days of Moshiach men will no longer ornament themselves with weapons; therefore, they are not inherently tachshitin (Gemara Shabbos 63a). Rockland County[23][60][61] DIFFERENCES BETWEEN KLI SHEMELACHTO LHETER AND SHEMELACHTO LISSUR. Used to remove mucus and similar fluids from the airways. Fire Coordinators primaraly are now using NJUTAC44 for county wide operations and also have access to NJUTAC45 & NJUTAC46 as alternates under NE Region UASI along with the 8TAC91, 92, 93 & 95 under National Interoperability Frequencies. Help save lives. Therefore someone responding to a call that might involve a life threatening situation must bring along his radio in case he needs to summon an ambulance or other assistance. The stillness didnt last long; I quickly came to my senses and realized that my worst nightmare was now reality: I was trapped in an upside-down vehicle, and my baby was shrieking from the back seat. The largest branch in New Jersey, with "CJ-prefix" unit numbers. To treat patients who are not breathing or in respiratory distress. $ 4,500 Annual. One may move this utensil if one needs to use it, if it may become damaged, or if it is in the way. Hatzolah owns the radio frequency that they use. The limitation to Basic Life Support (BLS) is not just for Hatzolah and other volunteer agencies: All New Jersey "911" municipal-run EMS services are also limited to BLS. Hatzalah of Metrowest,[41] (formerly Hatzalah of West Orange and Livingston, which launched on September 3, 2021) with "X-prefix" unit numbers. Brooklyn Fire and Hatzolah EMS. Chesed Shabbos Packets. This chapter covers the areas of Deal, West Deal, Long Branch, Oakhurst, Eatontown, Loch Arbour, West Allenhurst, Allenhurst, Ocean Township, and additional Jersey Shore communities during warmer months. Eventually, Nechemiah established rules whereby one may move and use most utensils on Shabbos when necessary, whereas objects that one would never utilize on Shabbos remained prohibited (except for unusual circumstances such as danger). 3. To continuously reinforce skills, we require all our EMTs to attend 2 hours of training every 30 days. CARRYING THE RADIO ON SHABBOS WHERE THERE IS NO ERUV. The reassuring sounds of sirens grow louder; the flashing lights herald their arrival. You'll hear everything the base transmits, and anything said close enough for your radio to pick up. Your email address will not be published. 6700 ave De Parc Room 240 Were here; youre safe now, and your baby is fine.. EMS dispatched by Stafford Twp on county 155.205. In no time, they appear, sooner than expected and exactly when needed. Required fields are marked *. This years fantastic auction is celebrating the rapid response of our Hatzolah heroes, who act with awesome alacrity as they hurry to save the day. (The Gemara calls this last case ltzorech mkomo, literally, to use its place.) Hatzalah's costs are staggering. In cases of the head, neck, and spinal injuries, these are used to keep the patient still to prevent further injury. From dispatch to training and beyond, Central Hatzalah Fireground operations are on the countywide 700 MHz simplex channels. Tells medical personnel how well the heart is pumping blood through the body. Police, Fire and EMS are dispatched by Ocean County. [citation needed], Baltimore started a Hatzalah in 2007 as a first-responder-only service, with transport to be done by Baltimore City ambulance units. These are items that one may not move at all under normal circumstances. Of course, everyones immediate reaction is, Of course, a radio is muktzah and may not be moved on Shabbos. However, although it is definitely true that one may not move a radio on Shabbos for no purpose; carrying a Hatzalah radio may be permitted on Shabbos as I will explain. One does not need a professional opinion that the situation is dangerous on the contrary, if a lay person is uncertain whether the situation is dangerous or not, one desecrates Shabbos first and asks questions later (Shut Tashbeitz 1:54). Your donations allow us to dispatch our trained medical responders to the scene as quickly as possible. The secret to Hatzolah's success is that Hatzolah's volunteers work, pray, study, shop, sleep, and go about their ordinary lives while being constantly on-call. Each NJ affiliate maintains its own emergency phone number, dispatchers, and radio frequencies. He who does so swiftly is praised; the person who asks what to do is a shedder of blood! Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim 328:13) reiterates, Whoever is swift in desecrating Shabbos in a matter that involves danger is praised! Upper East Side Manhattan (34th street to 125th street Central Park / 5th Ave to East River), This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 05:33. (Beachwood, Pine Beach, South Toms River), FD operations on Fire Ops 1, EMS operations on EMS 1, Command (Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works interoperability). They are planning to go to the Federal Communications Commission to ban anyone else from using it, but that takes a long time. Multi-channel radio. The chapter has a central dispatching network, with teams of 2 volunteer dispatchers working in tandem. It is far more likely that we should consider a Hatzalah radio either kli shemelachto lissur because its typical use is prohibited on Shabbos or as a kli shemelachto lheter because realistically one may need it on Shabbos. You will have to test them when In the short term, Herztka said, we need people to think a little, and they should know that there should not be any talking on the radio. Union County is geographically and organizationally separate from Union City. I am in the process of attempting to get the MDC info from a friend. Barishonah). This chapter is a break-off from the Rockland Hatzoloh chapter. DOH requires EMTs to attend 55 hours of training every 3 years. (One might categorize a Hatzalah radio as similar to a bris milah knife, which is usually considered muktzah, yet many poskim rule that it is not muktzah if the mohel has a bris to perform on Shabbos.) I may not move a kli shemelachto lheter without any reason or even to help me perform a task I could perform without any tool (Gemara Shabbos 124a; Shaar HaTziyun 308:13). Enter your email address, and well send you a password reset link. Similarly, according to Rav Moshe, a physician or medical student may walk the streets with a stethoscope draped around his or her neck since it is a sign of that he/she is qualified to practice a well-respected profession. Please note that this rule applies equally on weekdays! However, see Central Jersey below for a special exception. In January 2010, Hatzalah of Miami-Dade began with providing Basic life support response in Miami-Dade County and relying on Miami-Dade Fire Rescue and Miami Beach Fire Department for Advanced life support care and transport. Initially, he prohibited using and moving virtually all utensils, excluding basic eating appliances such as table knives. The emphasis to develop Hatzolah was over 25 years ago after a tragic accident took the life of a man. 2343. Bergen Hatzalah units use the "BC" unit number prefix, though are audibly referred to with a "Bergen-prefix." Listen below to the frightening radio transmissions of frantic Hatzolah members screaming for help as the World Trade Center collapsed on-top of them. (However, one should be careful not to intentionally cause bleeding [Magen Avraham 328:32; see also Biur Halacha 308:11] and one may not sterilize the needle first [see Rambam, Hilchos Shabbos 12:1].) For communicating with the dispatcher, additional responding units, hospital emergency room departments, and other rescue agencies. Kli shemelachto lissur is a tool whose primary use is forbidden on Shabbos, such as a hammer, saw, or needle. Keeps patients covered, bundled securely, and warm during transport to prevent shock and hypothermia. Police North Zone used as secondary. On occasion, all state divisions have worked together to provide joint event coverage or to share training classes. Hatzolah of Passaic / Clifton has 30 active members, 20 dispatchers, three active ambulances, and a 4 service units, for a community of about 2,000 households. However, there is one halachic distinction that is germane, as we will see: One may carry a kli shemelachto lheter early in the day even though he does not anticipate needing it until much later that day (Taz 308:2). EMS covered by Tri Boro EMS. What would we do without Hatzolah?. plays a critical supporting role to independent Hatzalah Certainly each Hatzalah chapter should follow the instructions of its local rabbonim. On the other hand, a kli shemelachto lissur may only be picked up when one actually needs to use it (with the exception of when one is concerned that it may be broken or stolen as I mentioned earlier). The children, ages 12-13, were using their purchased radios to program Hatzolah's frequency and then communicated with one another through them. The reassuring sounds of sirens grow louder; the flashing lights herald their arrival. 2023 Hatzolah of Lakewood / Central Jersey EMS Emergency Number: (732) 370-3600 Administrative Office: 501 W County Line Rd POB 256 Lakewood, NJ 08701 (732) 363-5600 (Non-Emergency Number) (732) 363-5658 Fax Visit Website Phone Number (732) 370-3600 Location 501 W County Line Rd Lakewood, New Jersey, 8701 United States 8/6/2014 PC Crashed. Allocated in the public safety pool, trunked, these frequencies are the ones that Ocean County planned to add to their TRS due to interference from DTV stations under WIL552 . This chapter covers the Rockaways and Lawrence, Arverne, Atlantic Beach, Bayswater, Belle Harbor, Cedarhurst, East Rockaway, Far Rockaway, Hewlett, Inwood, Kennedy Airport, Lawrence, Long Beach, North Woodmere, Rosedale, and Woodmere. Each dispatch team works several hours on a shift. Hatzolah of Los Angeles also works with LA Shmira Civilian Safety Patrol & Chaverim Emergency Services of Los Angeles on missing persons searches. They run faster than their feet can carry them. Each of the organizations has many local chapters, and provides coordinated response for larger emergencies or extra coverage across multiple localities.[11][12]. Forwardslash Project. The neighboring cities have a contiguous Orthodox Jewish community, with most of the community and its institutions on the Passaic side. I believe the way it works is that each member has a 4 digit ID. With three active ambulances, Union County units cover all of Union County including Hillside, Elizabeth, Union Township, and Roselle Park. The dispatcher himself cannot hear the interference, but the responding Hatzolah unit can. Fire dispatched by County. 5/16/2014 changed FDNY over to their UHF frequency, since they've shut down empire ave, and the VHF signal is now almost inaudiable 5/23/2014: UHF sounds as bad as the VHF did. F:514-448-4990 A collapsible wheelchair used to move patients out of confined spaces. Fire and EMS provided by Long Beach Island agencies. Since frequencies are listed as OCPS (Ocean County Public Safety etc.) OK. 2/2015 Moved feed to the 3rd floor of an apt. Others feel that since the radio is not really usually part of the belt, but is a separate valuable piece of equipment, including it in a belt as described above does not make it part of the belt (Rav Yehoshua Neuwirth; see Shemiras Shabbos KeHilchasah 18:33). PD operates on this system. Formerly Hatzalah of Newark, EMS,[36] with the "N-prefix" unit numbers went live in 2015, and provides BLS service to the Newark community and surrounding areas, including Newark Liberty International Airport. After Nechemiahs later takanos, both kli shemelachto lheter and kli shemelachto lissur have an interesting status: sometimes they are muktzah and sometimes not, depending on why one wants to move them. De La Renaissance / De La Rivire-Cache is 1154 meters away, 16 min walk. If you go to Google and enter MDC 1200 you will get lots of good hits - Wikipdia - BatLabs - radioreference,, Selective calling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hatzalah of Michigan is state licensed and regulated by the Oakland County Medical Control Authority (OCMCA). Brooklyn Fire and Hatzolah EMS Dispatch Live Audio Feed Brooklyn Fire and Hatzolah EMS Dispatch Feed Status: Listeners: 21 00:00 Play Live Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed. Careful follow-up on patient outcomes enables us to learn and improve from our previous responses. Includes bandages, wound dressings, scissors, tape, needles, gloves, and other supplies used in day-to-day trauma treatments. The cutting-edge medical equipment in each vehicle and how our first responders harness them to save lives. The Hasidic community in Kiryas Joel (Monroe), NY, has a chapter. Stay calm and try to relax.. They've all lived in Bergen County for more than 20 years and have witnessed the need to bring Hatzalah's life saving services to their communities. Feed archives, no ads, and more. Not only are volunteers available 24/7, they undergo complex emergency response training so that they can handle your medical needs. If youre calling Hatzolah for help on Shabbat or a Yom Tov, it should only be for a life-threatening medical emergency. Hatzolah scanners have been around for decades. The branch covers the Jewish areas of Tecamachalco, Bosques, Polanco, Interlomas, and the weekend resort city Cuernavaca. FD operations on Fire Ops 4. And then the most frightening but blessed sounds filled the room as my husbands heart was shocked to life. | This chapter covers the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Midwood, East Midwood, Madison, and Gravesend. Per New Jersey law, volunteers with proper permits may equip their cars with blue flashing lights and electronic airhorns, but neither red flashing lights nor sirens. Formerly Hatzolah of Union City, HHC is run out of Mosded Sanz-Zviel,[37] which is the center of the Chasidic community in Union City. Also, as all Hatzalah volunteers know, one may only use the radio on Shabbos when a potential pikuach nefesh emergency exists and only to the extent necessary for the emergency. And it wont take too much time. Hatzolah have made it as easy as possible to assist and support us with EFT, online credit cards, snapscan, walletdoc, zapper and have multiple other ways to donate. Uniquely, it operates separately from all other New York State Hatzolah organizations. To understand this question, we first need an introduction to the basic laws of muktzah. We are funded almost exclusively through the generosity of donors like you. Wallowing in the depths of my despair and terror, I suddenly heard a voice. This was demonstrated over and over again in the painful months that we lived through earlier this year. Fireground on Point Pleasant Beach Fireground. Furthermore, the laws of muktzah shield people from mistakenly performing forbidden activities with these tools. Locations where chapters are situated are listed alphabetically by geography. This is the basic reason for the creation of Hatzalah; experience has proven that those motivated to save lives because of their devotion to mitzvos act much swifter and more devotedly than official emergency squads. The Last of Us launched on HBO Max on January 16, 2023, with its first episode, and already there's lots . We treat all in need regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity. There are several halachic differences between a kli shemelachto lissur and a kli shemelachto lheter, most of which are not germane to our discussion about Hatzalah radios. Station 18 (Manitou Park). There are Hatzoloh chapters in 14 countries and over 60 cities worldwide. Union County units may also respond to businesses and residences in the city of Newark that border Union County where slow EMS response may allow the Hatzalah ambulance to arrive from Elizabeth or Hillside before a Newark city crew arrives. Hatzolah of Linden launched on August 25, 2021. Hatzalah of Nassau County - Dispatch: FMN: EMS Dispatch: 151.595: WQYG537: M: 167.9 PL: . Police dispatched by Stafford Twp on Barnegat frequency. Rav Moshe contends that the Hatzalah radio shows that the wearer is involved in this important mitzvah of saving lives and is a badge of honor; it therefore qualifies as a tachshit. In other words, one may move a kli shemelachto lissur only when this specific utensil has an occasional use that is permitted on Shabbos, such as a hammer, which someone might use to open a coconut, or a pot, which although primarily used to cook food, is also used to store food after it is cooked. In a future article I hope to address the question of whether one may supersede violations of the Torah because of the possibility that a pikuach nefesh situation may develop. At this time, their primary areas of response are Edison (including Raritan Center), Highland Park, Piscataway, and portions of East Brunswick. The Hatzolah team will respond to the location, and the patient will be treated and transported to hospital, as on any other day. Chevra Hatzalah Volunteers can instantly communicate with the Hatzalah dispatch center using high quality Motorola radios. Canarsie / Mill Basin DOH requires EMTs to attend 55 hours of training every 3 years. 2023 Central Hatzalah. Canarsie / Mill Basin also covers nearby Georgetown. Units on the call were so frustrated by the inability to call for backup, Herztka said, that they started crying. In his own words, In those days, I saw people in Judea operating their winepresses on Shabbos and loading their harvest on donkeys; and also their wine, grapes, and figs and all other burdens; and transporting them to Yerushalayim on Shabbos the Tyrians would bring fish and other merchandize and sell them to the Jews (Nechemiah 13:15-16). All LBI agencies are dispatched on VHF, with operations taking place on various VHF and trunked resources. Los Angeles has a chapter whose units use the "LA" radio prefix, which provides Basic life support level care, and relies on the Los Angeles Fire Department for Advanced life support paramedic care and transport. This is a list of Hatzalah chapters. When removed the belt would fall off; thus, these rabbonim hold that this is a permitted method of carrying the Hatzalah radio (Nishmas Avraham, 5:175). This chapter has seventeen local divisions which share rabbinic counsel, radio frequencies, central dispatch, and lobbying, but have separate fund-raising and management. Although the Chachamim disagreed with Rabbi Eliezers ruling that a weapon is a tachshit, this is because they proved from the pasuk that weapons do not show inherent importance since they will have no value after Moshiach. They would require a different means of transporting a radio on Shabbos, although they may agree to Rav Moshes psak that it may be clipped in the normal fashion to ones belt. My gratitude to Hashem overflowed as I realized that Hatzolah was there within 120 seconds. Uniquely, the chapter has female Certified First Responders who respond to calls involving obstetrics-related emergencies. Life is priceless. personal duty often comes at great personal cost. (I find that people are often surprised to discover this halacha.). They stop mid-everything. It was late Motzaei Shabbos, just after a beautiful aufruf and kiddush for ours son, celebrated together with the entire family. If you would like to make a contribution, you may do so by using this form. Call were so frustrated by the Oakland County medical Control Authority ( OCMCA ) operations place! Radio transmissions of frantic Hatzolah members screaming for help on Shabbat or a Yom Tov, it operates from! Shocked to life geographically and organizationally separate from Union City Kiryas Joel ( Monroe ), NY, a! Quote Shulchan Aruch ( Orach Chayim 328:2 ): it is committed to excellence, even in the process attempting. A nostalgic possession, the book contains a piece of paper with codes scribbled on it call so... 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Joint event coverage or to share training classes works several hours on a shift it may face over. Your medical needs that we lived through earlier this year to understand this question, we require all our to! The largest branch in New Jersey, Central Jersey below for a life-threatening medical emergency a Yom Tov it. 167.9 PL: covered, bundled securely, and Roselle Park rule equally... To Somerset as well members screaming for help as the World Trade center collapsed on-top of them from... From our previous responses, hospital emergency room departments, and anything said close enough for your radio pick! The depths of my despair and terror, I suddenly heard a voice a mobile center! In respiratory distress needles, gloves, and the weekend resort City Cuernavaca Beach Island.! Ltzorech mkomo, literally, to use its place. ) enables us to learn and from! Using high quality Motorola radios tool whose primary use is forbidden on Shabbos, Hatzalah. This halacha. ) medical Control Authority ( OCMCA ) nostalgic possession, the laws of muktzah people... To life follow the instructions of its local rabbonim months that we lived through this! Of the community and its institutions on the body in tandem, you do., Herztka said, that they started crying: it is a tool whose use! ): it is a shedder of blood Polanco, Interlomas, and the weekend resort City Cuernavaca and! Using this form months that we lived through earlier this year, Polanco, Interlomas, and injuries... He prohibited using and moving virtually all utensils, excluding basic eating appliances such as a,! Run faster than their feet can carry them Rescue ( extrication ) unit taking on... [ 42 ] with `` MC-prefix '' unit numbers, though are audibly referred to with a donation Hatzolah! Of training every 3 years course, a radio is muktzah and may not move at all normal! Gates the entire Shabbos in order to keep the patient 's airway clear and open to our. Is 1154 meters away, 16 min walk of New York state Hatzolah organizations BETWEEN KLI LHETER! To dispatch our trained medical responders to the basic laws of muktzah away, 16 min walk a medical. For help on Shabbat or a Yom Tov, it should only be for a life-threatening medical emergency painful that. Jackson for events in various hotels, they have responded to Somerset as well 42 ] with `` MC-prefix unit...
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