Sarah Arsenault and Richard D Gonzalez. Just how high can copper go? Synlogic is a synthetic biology company built on research from the labs of James Collins and Tim Lu at MIT. Mr. Gonzalez joined Abbott in 1977 and held various management positions before briefly retiring in 2007, including: Abbott's president and chief operating officer; president, chief operating officer of Abbott's Medical Products Group; senior vice president and president of Abbott's former Hospital Products Division; vice president and president of Abbott's Health Systems Division; and divisional vice president and general manager for Abbott's Diagnostics Operations in the United States and Canada. Learn More about Richard A. Gonzalez's net worth. The estimated Net Worth of Richard A Gonzalez is at least $194 Million dollars as of 9 December 2021. People Photos Purpose. Stud. .J.Solid State Chemistry 158, 154-161 (2001). Most recently, Richard A. Gonzalez sold 174,100 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Thursday, December 9th. It focuses on treating conditions such as chronic autoimmune diseases in rheumatology, gastroenterology, and dermatology, oncology, including blood cancers, virology, hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's, metabolic, comprising thyroid disease and complications associated with cystic fibrosis, pain associated with endometriosis, and other serious health conditions. Learn More on Richard A. Gonzalez's salary. Abbott external communications Vice President Melissa Brotz confirmed that Mr. Gonzalez did not receive degrees from either university. On average, Richard trades about 41,459 units every 75 days since 2003. As of this date, Richard is married. Solar Industry at Start of Long Bull Run? In-situ Release of Antiepileptic Drugs from Nanostructured Reservoirs. [29], On February 10, 2016, AbbVie and Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Synlogic announced a multi-year R&D collaboration. Master in BioChemistry, University Miami. Richard A. Gonzalez received an undergraduate degree from the University of Houston and a graduate degree from Miami University. [25] In June, Abbvie announced it would acquire TeneoOne and its lead compound TNB-383B. Richard A. Gonzalez occupies the position of Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, Inc. On the same day, AbbVie and Calico announced that they had entered into a R&D collaboration intended to discover, develop and bring to market new therapies for patients with diseases of aging including neurodegeneration and cancer. With E. Romero-Pascual, R. Marcus, A Larrea, and A.Monzon. His ability to lead AbbVie is evidenced by his distinguished career over 30 years, culminating in his reaching the highest levels of the company.. He is also Member of The Commercial Club of Chicago and Member of The Business Roundtable. In his past career Mr. Gonzalez occupied the position of President & Chief Operating Officer at Abbott Laboratories President for Abbott Ventures, Inc. and Divisional Vice President & General Manager at Abbott Diagnostics, Inc. (both are subsidiaries of Abbott Laboratories), Chief Executive Officer-Operations at Abbott Laboratories President at Abbott Ventures, Inc. and Divisional Vice President & General Manager at Abbott Diagnostics, Inc. (both are subsidiaries of Abbott Laboratories), President & Senior Vice President at Hospira, Inc. and Executive Vice President at Pharmaceutical Products. [21][22] In July, the company announced it would acquire Mavupharma, boosting its cancer drug pipeline. Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, As of 9 December 2021 he still owns at least 550,697 units of Abbvie Inc stock. Richard A. Gonzalez occupies the position of Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, Inc. He served as Executive Vice President, Pharmaceutical Products Group, where he led the global pharmaceutical business, including commercial operations, research and development and manufacturing. Missing Crain's in print? In the past, Richard has also been known as Richard A Gonzales and Richard A Gonzalez. First released in 2003, AbbVie has since raised the drug's price by more than 470 percent, culminating in an annual supply now costing about $77,000. In response, AbbVie announced that it would cease enforcing its patents on the drug entirely. [40], Humira is a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, and other autoimmune diseases. Richard L Gonzalez Richard Gonzalez (1967 - 2004) Jump to: Bio graphy Family Photos Comments Obit uary. Richard A. Gonzalez is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, a global biopharmaceutical company that employs approximately 48,000 people worldwide and markets medicines in more than 175 countries. We know that Richard is married at this point. [9], In January 2014, the company acquired ImmuVen for an undisclosed sum. Notre Dame, George O'Leary, 2001: Mr. O'Leary resigned as head football coach five days after being hired, admitting he misrepresented his academic and athletic background. For patients taking four pills each day, it costs $242,039. [44][45], In 2018, AbbVie agreed to pay $25 million to resolve allegations that it made use of kickback schemes to promote its cholesterol drug Tricor. Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene through a Short Contact Time Reactor. T.Lopez, J.Ascencio, P.Quintana and R.D.Gonzalez, Colloid and Surfaces.A: Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 300, 99-105 (2007). Records show that Richard Allen Gonzalez, with a birth date consistent with Mr. Gonzalez's, attended the University of Houston from the fall of 1972 to the fall of 1973, but was not granted a degree, according to a school spokeswoman. A Langmuir-Hinshelwood Model for a Hydrogen Transfer Mechanism in the Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene over a Pd/-alumina Catalyst Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method. [49], AbbVie reported Total CO2e emissions (Direct + Indirect) for the twelve months ending 31 December 2020 at 508 Kt (-57 /-10.1% y-o-y). There are no executives at Abbvie Inc getting paid more. Pore structures in an implantable sol-gel titania ceramic device used in drug release applications: a modeling study. E Kugler, Aline Auroux and RD Gonzalez. Tailoring the Photocatalytic Reaction Rate of a nanostructured TiO2 matrix using Additional Gas Phase Oxygen. Wyden accused the company of shifting revenue to avoid US taxes. Mr. Gonzalez is the chairman and chief executive officer of AbbVie. Richard Gonzalez biography. As the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Abbvie Inc, the total compensation of Richard Gonzalez at Abbvie Inc is $21,610,600. There's really no issue here with respect to his educational background and his ability to lead AbbVie, Ms. Brotz said. The new company will focus on on-patent pharmaceuticals, while the legacy firm, which will still be called Abbott, is expected to log about $22 billion in revenue and maintain current nutritional, medical device and branded generic business lines. T.Lopez, E.Ortiz, P.Quintana and R.D.Gonzalez, Colloid & Surfaces A: Physicochem.Eng. Mr. Gonzalez is the chairman and chief executive officer of AbbVie. My recent research interest over the last five years has been centered in the area of controlled drug release. With its generous investment tax credits, the Act is expected to triple U.S. solar energy production over the next 5 years. InTech Underlying Mechanisms of Epilepsy,CAP 19, 333-346 (2011), Synthesis, characterization and in-vitro cytotoxicity of Pt-TiO2 nanoparticles. Preprints of the Petroleum Division of The American Chemical Society, Chicago IL, Vol 46, No3, 238-240 (2001). AbbVie's insider roster includes Carlos Alban (Vice Chairman), Roxanne Austin (Director), Nicholas Donoghoe (SVP), Brian Durkin (VP), Richard Gonzalez (CEO), Henry Gosebruch (EVP), Robert Michael (Vice Chairman), Scott Reents (Sr. VP & CFO ), Timothy Richmond (EVP), Azita Saleki-Gerhardt (EVP), Laura Schumacher (Vice Chairman), Michael Severino (Vice Chairman), Elaine Sorg (SVP), Jeffrey Stewart (EVP), and Carrie Strom (SVP). In addition, he makes $21,610,600 as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Abbvie Inc. Richard has made over 34 trades of the Abbvie Inc stock since 2003, according to the Form 4 filled with the SEC. He is executive vice president of the company's pharmaceutical products group and was hand-picked by CEO Miles White to take the top spot at AbbVie. Bausch & Lomb Inc., Ronald Zarrella, 2002: Mr. Zarrella's $1.1 million bonus was taken away after he admitted he didn't hold the MBA from New York University that appeared on his resume for a decade. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 15,121-126, (2009). Richard A. Gonzalez occupies the position of Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, Inc. As the CEO of AbbVie Inc., Mr. Gonzalez earned a total compensation package of $23,912,154.00 in 2021. Richard Gonzalez is 65, he's been the Chairman of the Board e Chief Executive Officer of Abbvie Inc since 2013. They can also be used as a follow up to the surgical removal of malignant tumors. Isomerization of n-Butane: Conversion as a Function of Sulfate Loading on Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 15, 121-126, (2009), Kinetic study of the controlled release of VPA and DHP antiepileptic drugs using biocompatible nanostructured sol-gel titania. In his past career Mr. Gonzalez occupied the position of President & Chief Operating Officer at Abbott Laboratories President for Abbott Ventures, Inc. and Divisional Vice President & General Manager at Abbott Diagnostics, Inc. (both are subsidiaries of Abbott Laboratories), Chief Executive Officer-Operations at Abbott Laboratories President at Abbott Ventures, Inc. and Divisional Vice President & General Manager at Abbott Diagnostics, Inc. (both are subsidiaries of Abbott Laboratories), President & Senior Vice President at Hospira, Inc. and Executive Vice President at Pharmaceutical Products. Review Article. He also worships all the Gods and goddesses and also celebrates all the festivals. Member board directors Abbott Laboratories. [10], In October 2014, after a long negotiation, AbbVie stopped its efforts to acquire Shire, which would have been one of the largest M&A deals of that year and one of the largest tax inversions in history, due to changes in the US tax code by the US Treasury; AbbVie had to pay a $1.6 billion breakup fee. As part of the collaboration, AbbVie is getting worldwide rights to Synlogic's probiotic-based technology for treating inflammatory bowel disease, and the research teams will focus on Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Tulane University WebRichard Gonzalez is the name of: Richard Gonzales (tennis), American tennis player also known as 'Pancho Gonzales' Richard Gonzales (table tennis), Filipino tennis player New Orleans, LA 70118-5698, Telephone: 504-865-5764 Surfaces of Nanoparticles and Porous Materials, Journal of Nanoparticle Research. Comm. WebRichard A Gonzalez and Richar Gonzalez are some of the alias or nicknames that Richard has used. [32] In the same month the company announced it would co-commercialize Argenx's preclinical immunotherapy, ARGX-115. WebRichard A Gonzalez is Chairman/CEO at AbbVie Inc. See Richard A Gonzalez's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. In 2022, its priced at $181,529. According to his online biography at Abbott's website, Mr. Gonzalez joined Abbott in 1977 and held several management positions before retiring in 2007 as president and chief operating officer, the company's No. . [4], According to Miles White, CEO at the time, the purpose of the split was to allow markets to value the two businesses separately. The largest trade he's ever made was selling 285,953 units of Abbvie Inc stock on 2 June 2016 worth over $18,249,520. Learn More on Richard A. Gonzalez's trading history. The Locus of Surface Sulfate Sites in Sulfated Zirconia. With Mathew Vincent. Rick Gonzalez is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, a global biopharmaceutical company employing approximately 29,000 people and Journal of Material Science 44, 20, 5459-5468.(2009). We have lots of information about Richard: religious views are listed as Christian, ethnicity is Hispanic American, and political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat. [11], On March 4, 2015, AbbVie announced its agreement to acquire the oncology firm Pharmacyclics and its treatment for blood cancers, ibrutinib; AstraZeneca had also been bidding to acquire Pharmacyclics. Email:, The Herman and George R. Brown Professor Emeritus. 1 Drug, Bets Synthetic Biology Startup Can Raise the Bar", "AbbVie, University of Chicago Launch Cancer Research Alliance", "AbbVie to Co-Develop argenx's Cancer Immunotherapy ARGX-115 - GEN News Highlights - GEN", "AbbVie to Co-Commercialize CytomX's Probody Drug Conjugates", "Covid-19 treatment tested through HIV medicine by AbbVie", "A Trial of Lopinavir-Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19", "Patients Struggle With High Drug Prices", "NHS England taken to court over 'largest ever medicines procurement', "AbbVie doubles down on cystic fibrosis R&D, adding a new drug to the pipeline as Vertex seals its domination of the field with Trikafta OK", "Pharmaceutical company AbbVie inflated prices for two major drugs, House Oversight report says", "Alvotech Files Suit to Invalidate Humira Patents", "Alvotech Beats Back AbbVie's Trade Secrets Lawsuit", "AbbVie subsidiary Forest faces more antitrust litigation over Alzheimer's drug as judge rejects its bid to toss case", "AbbVie must face health plans' lawsuit over Alzheimer's drug", "Abbott Laboratories and AbbVie Inc. to Pay $25 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations of Kickbacks and Off-Label Marketing of the Drug TriCor", "AbbVie accused of 'far-reaching' kickback scheme for Humira", "In kickbacks case, California insurance chief says AbbVie used nurse 'ambassadors' to protect Humira sales", "AbbVie to pay up to $2.37 billion to settle U.S. opioid claims", "AbbVie's Sustainability Report for 2020Q4", "AbbVie's Sustainability Report for 2018Q4", "AbbVie's Sustainability Report for 2019Q4", Pharmaceutical companies of the United States,, Biotechnology companies of the United States, Biotechnology companies established in 2013, Pharmaceutical companies established in 2013, Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2021, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 15:55. Catalysis Letters, 86 (4): 151-156 (2003). [38] In 2019, a UK court dismissed AbbVie's case against the NHS. Named one of 50 Most Important Hispanics in Technology & Business, Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology [5], As of December 2015, the company employed in excess of 28,000 globally, and provided products to individuals in more than 170 countries.[6]. With E Romero Pascual, A.Larrea, and A Monzon, Solid State Chemistry, vol.168, No.1, pp.343-353(11) (2002). Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, Vol 78, Issue 3, 446-448 (2006). A nanostructured titania bioceramic implantable device capable of drug delivery to the temporal lobe of the Brain. These studies are carried out jointly between Tulane University, the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Mexico City and the National Metropolitan University of Mexico. R.Marcus, U.Diebold, and R.D Gonzalez. T.Lopez, R.Alexander-Katz, P.Castillo, M.Gonzalez, J.Manjarrez, R.D. He died on June 11, 2004 at 36 years of age. In spite of discounts and medical insurance, the prohibitive price causes some patients to not fill their prescriptions. Journal of Material Science 44, 20, 5459-5468. With CK Lambert. Prices hit a 10-year high; as copper jumped 79% in the past year. Petroleum Chemistry Division Preprints 2002, 47 (4), 371-373 (2002). M.J. Uddin, D. Mondal, C.A.Morris, T.Lopez, U.Diebold and R.D.Gonzalez. Applied Surface Science, 253, 2767-5771 (2007). He also served as President and Chief Operating Officer, prior to a brief retirement. Materials Letters, 60, 2903-2908 (2006). Giorgia Cutrufello, Ulricke Diebold and R.D.Gonzalez. [47][48], In July 2022 the company agreed to pay up to $2.37 billion to settle U.S. lawsuits against its Allergan unit over the marketing of opioid painkillers. It has increased the price of Imbruvica, a drug used to treat mantle cell lymphoma and other cancers, by 82 percent since it launched in 2013. Richard A. Gonzalez has not been actively trading shares of AbbVie during the last ninety days. Bachelor in BioChemistry, University Houston. More importantly the drug dose, which is usually administered by systemic administration (pills or injections) can be significantly reduced. [27][28] In October, AbbVie announced they would acquire U.K.-based biotechnology business DJS Antibodies for $225 milion, in a deal that gives it access to an experimental drug for an aggressive lung disease as well as technology to develop certain kinds of antibody medicines. 190: 1601-1619, (2003). The oldest executive at Abbvie Inc is EdwardLiddy, 73, who is the Independent Director. 12-24. The most recent stock trade was executed by Timothy J. Richmond on 12 December 2022, trading 42,370 units of ABBV stock currently worth $2,324,418. Richard's current home is located at San Diego, CA. T.Lopez, M.Patino-Ortiz, A.S Balankin, R.D.Gonzalez. Numerous positions in division diagnostics Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois, 19771992, divisional vice president, general manager, 19921995, vice president HealthSystems division, 19951998, senior vice president hospital products, 19982001, president, chief operating officer medical products, 20012006, president, chief operating officer, 20062007. WebRichard Gonzalezis 72 years old and was born on 04/14/1950. 201 Lindy Claiborne Boggs Center It is currently caught up in a legislative battle against Icelandic Alvotech, which is trying to bring a Humira biosimilar to market. Richard Gonzalez is the chairman of the board and CEO of pharmaceutical company AbbVie. Originally an executive vice president at Abbott Laboratories, he was asked to lead AbbVie, its spinoff company, when it was launched in 2013. : catalytic degradation of DNA in cancer cells. He retired from the Rochester, N.Y.-based eye products company in 2008. Leading the way is the just-signed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Richard A. Gonzalez is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AbbVie, a global biopharmaceutical company that employs approximately 50,000 people worldwide and markets medicines in Synthesis and Applications of Catalysts Prepared by the Sol-gel Method in Emerging Fields in Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Since 2004, he has been the coach at University of Central Florida. 10-Year high ; as copper jumped 79 % in the past year journal of Biomedical research. On 2 June 2016 worth over $ 18,249,520 trading history shares of Commercial. Tulane.Edu, the company announced it would acquire Mavupharma, boosting its cancer drug.! Richard has also been known as Richard a Gonzales and Richard a Gonzales and Richard a Gonzalez at. The labs of James Collins and Tim Lu at MIT on Sulfated Catalysts... And Richar Gonzalez are some of the Board e Chief executive Officer of AbbVie Inc stock on 2 June worth. 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