They were more optimistic souls in a long line of people who have tried, often futilely, to farm the floodplain. From then on gunfire could routinely be heard in the town and up the canyon. Show Phone. Testifying at the Jan 13 detention hearing, Stinson said Thompson and Chambers each had stood to earn $500,000 for getting the load to San Antonio or Houston. He dreaded telling his client. This is a carousel. Robert Chambers in Texas We found 15 records for Robert Chambers in Lolita, Round Rock and 11 other cities in Texas. . Helping clients like Vega affirmed his decision, though it also generated no shortage of heartbreak. I got involved in politics and in 1976 we had a candidate for sheriff, Manny Rodriguez, a city policeman.. At the bottom of the canyon road, the asphalt resumed at a desolate village called Ruidosa. It was still dark when Silvino woke two hours before the big race in Cerocahui last October. Unable to afford lawyers, each defendant was assigned one by the court. He and Texas Ranger Joaquin Jackson were particularly close. Not in West Texas. From there, the runners followed white arrows spray-painted on the ground into a forest of pion pine, juniper, and small oak trees. The former girlfriend of Preppy Killer Robert Chambers is breaking her silence about their relationship as a docuseries airing on Sundance and AMC takes a new look at the infamous murder. And we posted it on Facebook. Vega didnt know the men whod recruited him, which is typical in backpacker cases, so they didnt have any information to offer prosecutors in exchange for a shorter sentence. I have never heard Thirty minutes later, the second finisher arrived, and Silvino three minutes after him. 1992 Press Photo Grand Isle Mayor Andy Valence addressing the City Council . Last summer, according to a courtroom interpreter, one witness in a backpacker trial in Pecos said that smugglers, It was the eighth-annual ultramarathon here, and 120 runners, mostly Tarahumara, were going to set off from its plaza. Silvino swore he would never run drugs again, but by 2010, there was still not enough food to eat. Chvez had learned Spanish as a teenager, to serve as an interpreter for her people, then earned a university degree in ecology and gotten elected to local government. Now, 26 years after Thompson was sent to federal prison, his troubling shadow lingers over Marfa. A fine salary, but it was an experimental crop: a 64-year-old American named Mickey Mahaffey, who had lived among the Tarahumara for two decades and married Silvinos younger sister, Carmen, struck up a deal to grow eight acres for an energy-bar company based in Richmond, Virginia. Instead, groups of up to two dozen Mexican nationals at a time, arrested for smuggling drugs or illegal entry, were marched in front of the judge throughout the day. He was in third place. ), he added. Chambers dug out the sentencing guidelines: a scant .11 pounds of meth would double their potential sentences, from five to ten years. The course turned toward Cerocahui on a footpath built by drug traffickers to carry out their crops. That part of the state was out of control, said Dale Stinson, head of the DEA regional office. Find Robert Chambers in Midland, TX - phone, address, email. Robert Chambers Email Localization Editor @ The Pokmon Company International View Robert's Email (It's Free) 5 free lookups per month. While the podcast features numerous sources, here are a few of the main players in the story. Of course, drug traffickers also know this. Handsome, well-educated, but deeply troubled: Robert Chambers was a total knockout with a dark personality. I felt this sickness in my gut. When he returned with seven new competitors in 1994, they dominated the race again. In. Up here, he realized, right before the 2008 Semana Santa celebrations, assassins from the Sinaloa cartel had kidnapped around a dozen people from Uriquethe chief of police, other officers, government officialsand beheaded all but two, whom they sent back to town, stripped naked and hands tied, to tell the story. True wondered how they would fare against the Tarahumara, and he sought to revitalize these local traditions. From then on gunfire could routinely be heard in the town and up the canyon. His arrest for cocaine trafficking shocked Marfa and the law enforcement officers he had befriended and worked with for years. His grandfather served as a Presidio County commissioner and was often asked to resolve border disputes privately. The head of the organization squeals on people who worked for him, and the DEA gives him a free pass. Chambers thought about how Vega wouldnt be there for his two sons as they grew into their teens. Hed hoped that once there he could stay a short time and workin the Permian Basin oil fields, perhapsand then return home with money for his wife and two sons. Best described as a muckraking journalist, McNamara launched a scrappy newspaper, The Nimby News, in Alpine to cover stories often left out of the local newspaper, and later wrote a column for the Big Bend Sentinel in Marfa. Uriques head of tourism watched in tears as Tarahumara runners collapsed. When the DEA tried to contact him, he referred them to his lawyer. Yes, Robert Chambers is alive. Soon after, his mother was arrested for possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine. The loss of a hero harms a communitys ability to believe in anything anymore, wrote the historians, Louise OConnor and Cecilia Thompson, no relation to the sheriff. He laughed at the memory of a. Years earlier, while serving as an attach in Mexico City, Stinson had heard Mexican federal police mention Thompson in connection with the Ojinaga drug trade. Escuder had recently defended a Tarahumara man in his fifties who, they realized, had been in Vegas brickmaking crew. Born in Wood County, near the Oklahoma border, on Feb. 23, 1946, Thompson was raised in Marathon, east of Marfa. Robert Chambers grew up on the border in south Presidio County, where his mother taught in a small school in Candelaria. After crossing the river here, backpackers hike past the old Chambers ranch to the top of the Sierra Vieja, where they look for their U.S. 90 pickup. Silvino felt the pressure of what hed come to donot just for his own survival but for the survival of his people. Robert Chambers grew up on the border in south Presidio County, where his mother taught in a small school in Candelaria. Mahallah Escoe seeking her brother Robert Cofield Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) February 14, 1884. The actual number was likely much higher. The squat white ejido headquarters proclaimed Porochi as the Tierra de Corredores, or the Land of Runners. It was the halfway point. More than five hundred Tarahumara, Silvino included, resolved to carry on anyway, and the mayor agreed to a version that cut out the downriver loop, where the major shoot-out had occurred. He scrambled down a cliff-side trail so narrow that only one person could traverse it at a time. Tell Rick Thompson Im still investigating this. Chambers was well acquainted with smugglers from Mexico and eventually became close to Pablo Acosta, the drug lord of Ojinaga. The Border Patrol had found them. Ott-Laughlin Funeral Home OBITUARY Robert Mark Chambers March 17, 1943 - January 9, 2014 Chambers, Robert Mark ("Bob"), 70, of Winter Haven and Ft. Pierce, Florida passed away of heart failure January 9, 2014. Still, he got paid only if he successfully completed his mission. By 2010, entire communities had emptied out of the canyons, and some ten thousand had fled to the city of Chihuahua, where they were more easily conscripted into smuggling. We drove up a small bluff, and Rogers led me to the grave of Boyd Chambers. International runners and film crews descended on the Sierra Tarahumara. Others sought his counsel. It was a twenty-minute drive downhill to the square, which Silvino would be running back up for the first leg of the race: these six miles were a steep climb of 1,500 feet. Barajas, who counted Thompson as a friend, worked closely with him on the notorious Rio Grande sniper case, in which a teenager, shooting from a canyon rim on the Mexican side, killed a tourist rafter and wounded a guide in 1988. Robert Earl Chambers, Age 115 Eagle Realty Group & Associate, (573) 336-0003. I couldnt accept the fact that a man I had worked with and trusted for the last five years could possibly be involved in drugs. They trudged silently past the scars of an old copper mining trail, long-gone railroad tracks and trading posts that once upon a time exchanged men, minerals, and equipment across the border to Chihuahua. Hed told me that sometimes he felt fated to stay in West Texas, and yet he often felt apart from it. There were many others to get to, almost too many to keep up with. Unlike many of his classmates, he didnt have to wait long for work. Others in the region had heard unsettling whispers, recalls former Presidio County Treasurer Mario Rivera, who served from 1974 until 2006. A pair of federal police trucks rolled through with machine gunners standing in the bed, black scarves covering the bottom half of their faces. Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the . Rick wasnt the kingpin. far west texas when austin-based journalist rob d'amico started calling west texans in 2017, asking what they knew about robert chambers, rick thompson and the 1991 billion dollar bust of a cocaine-filled horse trailer in presidio county, many "quite frankly said, 'this is done, you don't need to dredge it up,'" d'amico said in an interview Rogers pulled off on Farm-to-Market Road 2810, better known as Pinto Canyon Road, where the asphalt ended. For Chambers, it was one of the saddest days of his life. Chambers testified he and Thompson hired more than 20 armed guards to protect the Rio Grande shipment and split $1 million for helping move the drugs. You can view 1 entry, complete with personal details, location history, phone numbers, relatives and locations for Robert Chambers. This case was filed in Travis County Courts, Heman Marion Sweatt Travis County Courthouse located in Travis, Texas. PECOS, Texas (AP) _ A former county sheriff and a rancher were sentenced to life in prison Friday for supervising a midnight haul of cocaine worth $48 million last December. Two days later, he reached Ascensin, close to where theyd picked up the drugs. He knew hed never be able to hold an audience like that, but he realized then that this work was what he wanted to do. For him, the bust was an unfortunate necessity that put a halt to their goals of a much larger bust of key players. His earliest possible release date is January 2024. Either barefoot or in sandals (called huaraches) made from old tire treads and goat hide, they were able to traverse seemingly super-human distances. The citizens, he said. Together with her father, an activist, musician, and poet known as Makawi, she pleaded for government officials in Chihuahua to help prevent drug traffickers from stealing their land and their water. McNamara often battled to obtain public records from officials and sued the U.S. Department of Justice in federal court in an attempt to acquire records in the Thompson case. Texas Department of Criminal Justice | PO Box 99 . At the aid station, he declined water and collected a paper bracelet to confirm he had passed. Vega and his family had fled the canyons to find work in Chihuahua, and though he got a job as a brickmaker, it barely sustained them. He would share his produce with family, friends, and neighbors, a true labor of love. Hartshorn . Most of the visiting runners, who had come from 23 countries, made their way out under military escort. His stomach was roiling. It doubled as his race training. Chambers was well acquainted with smugglers from Mexico and eventually became close to Pablo Acosta, the drug lord of Ojinaga. Federal and state drug enforcement agents arrested Glyn Robert Chambers and the popular sheriff of Presidio County, Rick Thompson, after an informant tipped them off to a red horse trailer containing 2,400 pounds of cocaine on the fairgrounds in Marfa. Sign Up. Organizers across the world sought Tarahumara runners for their races, and. The Tarahumara would know how to survive this. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. To help keep them on the ranch, his grandmother Johnnie earned a teaching degree from Sul Ross State University in her forties, and she ran the two-room schoolhouse in Candelaria for 25 years. They owned a house on West Washington Street, and the youngest of their three children still was at home. Advertisements . Standing well over 6 feet, before putting on his hat and boots, he cut an imposing, even intimidating figure. After his death, Chambers briefly served as The Plaza before Amado Carillo Fuentes took control of distribution with the Juarez Cartel. Thats whats hard to understand, he added. Thomas Chambers. Thompson and former County Judge Bobby Martinez shake hands. Under any circumstances, safeguarding so vast and wild a county with the help of only two deputies was a daunting job. Chambers '91 President's Endowed Scholarship. They both pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison. The grief and horror of the people concerning this incident appeared to be beyond the normal consternation of people in situations such as this. Jail Location After going to law school, in northwest Indiana, he thought hed never return to West Texas, but it was Liz Rogers who persuaded him to come back. He just didnt like coming here, and I could see why. February 10, 1946 - March 16, 2019 Tribute Wall Obituary & Events Share a memory Send Flowers Obituary Robert "Bob" Chambers, 73, of Elma, Iowa passed away Saturday, March 16, 2019 at home surrounded by his loving family. Strapped to his back were two homespun burlap packs, one filled with 45 pounds of marijuana bricks and the other with enough burritos and gallon jugs of water to survive another week in the wilderness. With Vegas case resolved, Chambers moved on. I think its worth it. Chambers, a violent, lawless man long suspected of drug. That year, many had shown up to the event starving, walking or hitchhiking from hundreds of miles around, bringing only the clothes on their backs. Thus began a shocking small-town drama that quickly turned Marfa on its head and sent the sheriff to federal prison. He was just a phenomenally likeable guy, former District Attorney Richard Barajas said. When Chambers arrived at the detention facility, the 39-year-old Vega stood up to greet his lawyer. PECOS, Texas (AP) _ A former county sheriff and a rancher were sentenced to life in prison Friday for supervising a midnight haul of cocaine worth $48 million last December. Location Bellevue, WA, US Work Localization Editor @ The Pokmon Company International QA Localization Tester- Bilingual German and English @ 2k Vegas Quality Analyst @ Teleperformance see more Education Traditionally they ran as a form of religious ritual, such as to celebrate the harvest, in two-team races called rarajipari. His black-granite headstone outshone rows of wooden crosses. Thompson is scheduled to get out April 14, 2018.). The Chambers' gift creates the J. Robert Chambers '89 and Kimberly A. See the links below for more info. Silvino flung his bags into the sand and began to run. The property dispute over Moses Roses Hideout is by no means the first obstacle consultants and city and state officials have faced in the evolution of the Alamo project. The sheriff had also helped deliver various loads, the agency claimed, altogether earning him $70,000 to $80,000 in drug money. Two weeks earlier. Federal agents and others had learned that his nickname in Mexico was La Puerta, the door to smuggling. Meanwhile, as ultramarathons surged in popularity, American runners began crushing previously held records. Ryan Goldberg is a freelance journalist based in New York. It was just disbelief. Here, Uriques mayor and its public-works director had driven off the cliff almost four years ago. $13.99 . Chambers had seen many of these harsh sentences handed out, including to drug runners who were essentially forced into smuggling. Vega readily told him what had happenedas he did to the agents who arrested him, along with all but one in his groupbut when Chambers described his offense, Vega couldnt understand why the charges were so severe. Silvino wore athletic gear and blue-and-yellow Asicsthe trails were too slippery, the roads too hard, for huaraches. He did not respond to a letter sent to him in prison requesting an interview. 1992 Press Photo Mayor and council members in City Hall chambers, Texas . There was also a lot of work leading up to that trial that required international relationships, he said. His mother, Christine, didnt want to stay in Alpine because of the publicity. He ate a sandwich and drank a bottle of Coca-Cola. Silvino, with his farmland afflicted by unrelenting drought, was one of the desperate ones, so he signed on to tote drugs. Last summer, according to a courtroom interpreter, one witness in a backpacker trial in Pecos said that smugglers in Ojinaga told him they only wanted to work with Tarahumara, because of their strength and endurance. We hadnt seen another car in two hours. In the years ahead, she cycled in and out of prison for similar charges. Below are the results we could find for Robert Chambers. Report this listing. According to the DEA, Thompson had also moved the ton of drugs from the border to Marfa in his green Suburban. The six-foot-two Chambers towered over him by more than a foot. He couldnt count on his corn harvest to yield enough food for his family, and his chia project was still unpredictable. Amid the tall gray peaks and dry basins, hed be harder to catch. He got along with almost everybody, except those he locked up. And he was making a pittance compared to Robert and ACF (Amado Carillo Fuentes. He had run one hundred miles. The female racers wore their everyday clothes: skirts full of reds, yellows, pinks, and blues, and matching head scarves to block the sun. He hadnt eaten anything, not even the pocket-size bean burritos and salsa he normally ran with. Man, I never saw this coming. Still, he got paid only if he successfully completed his mission. He read about villages that had no electricity or running water and that were full of ex-felons. Its untamable, though his family certainly tried. Spectators wagered clothes, goats, or money on the outcome and lit the way at night with pine-resin torches. Chambers returned to school with one of Rogerss mantras ringing in his ears: procedural due process, as opposed to actual due process. It was twelve miles north to Candelaria, where you could stand in the middle of town and see all of it: ramshackle trailers and a few adobe houses; Johnnie Chamberss empty schoolhouse; an abandoned church and a corrugated-metal cotton gin. The man did what he did. They currently reside in Houston with their son, William. At first, Vega didn't seem to. Ponton, a defense attorney, was hired by Chambers for a weapons charge and suddenly found himself defending a man busted with a ton of cocaine. But I knew, he recalled. He enticed locals to enter by promising food vouchers to anyone who finished. For Silvino, new opportunities eventually arose from the attention generated by the book. In the days leading up to the race, competitors ground corn for an energy drink called pinole (and set aside a fermented version as their post-race celebratory beer, tesgino). James Medford Chambers went home to be with The LORD on Saturday, January 7, 2023, at the age of 92. When youre desperate, youll do anything. While Thompson, 72, is unlikely to return to Marfa, the painful story of his fall from grace soon will be told here again. Although many still believe he was not directly involved in smuggling for an extended period of time, the DEA disputes this and pins several more tons of cocaine and marijuana smuggling on him for at least six years before his arrest. MLS# 22079698. He found a friend to front him enough to get to Janos, the first town on his route back. International runners arrived to find armed gangs in the streets of Urique, while local government officials assured the competitors there were no problems. He had to run. When Chambers arrived at the detention facility, the 39-year-old Vega stood up to greet his lawyer. All I know is I worked for five months for him. He explained that Spanish was his second language. Log In. Robert Conrad Photo, Robert Horton Photo, Springfield Trapdoor, Council Tool Collectible Axes & Hatches, Leaded Lamp, Robert Chambers Research Associate Email Telephone +44 (0)1273 915723 On this page Academic links Research Opinions Publications Professor Robert Chambers has a background in biology, history and public administration. Only a change in federal sentencing law years later spared Thompson from dying in prison. He passed fields with corn stalks as tall as the cabins beside them, and a few loose cows and goats. Silvino, a farmer with four children, knew the canyons the way urban dwellers know city streets: every rock, cactus, and river bend was a sign. It may have been thirty. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Hardin United Methodist Church Choir, which she loved being a part of. While working a job canning chiles, they were told they could earn twice as much at a pecan orchard near the Rio Grande. John MacCormack has been covering South Texas and the Mexican border for the past 35 years, first for the Dallas Times Herald and since 1992 for the Express-News. Though the Tarahumara largely kept to themselves, poverty and hunger made them targets for narcos looking for mules willing to make the demanding trek to designated drug drop-off points in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. . Robert Stanley Chambers Obituary. Rick Thompson was widely admired by Marfa residents and was a shoe-in for his upcoming election to a fifth term as Presidio County Sheriff. Urique had an anthropomorphic quality from here: the peaks on either side of the river looked like heads, with an evergreen blanket sloped across their chests and legs. A Presidio County native, Ponton dabbled in film in his early days and worked on the crew of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Though clouds had gathered off and on over the villagers homesdark, billowing masses that overshadowed their huts among the fields of cornit had not rained. mother, Christine, didnt want to stay in Alpine because of the publicity. Robert Chambers is a resident of Austin. He hadnt been feeling well and had visited a hospital the day before. Thompson remained free after the drugs were seized. They moved up and down the Interstate 35 corridor so often that Chambers lost count of the number of schools he attended. It just shattered people. He knew what an absence like that could do to a family. It may have been thirty. At his sentencing hearing May 10, Thompson apologized and his wife made a final plea for leniency. 2016Oakmont Country Club, Oakmont, Pa. 2015 Chambers Bay, University Place, Wash. 2014Pinehurst No. After drug traffickers had taken over the ejido in Basihuare, Makawi had given an interview to a newspaper in Chihuahua, describing the situation and the growing recruitment of Tarahumara youth into organized crime. Case Details Parties Dockets Case Details Case Number: After successes in Costa Rica and Spain, he landed on the cover of Runners World Mxico, in December 2014. Soon the sound of the dirt bike faded. This was the most common drug crossing in her cases, she said. An informant had told the federal drug agents a tantalizing tale. Two weeks earlier, sicarios, or hit men, had stopped in Rejogochi to ask for Chvez, the young activist, and her father, Makawi. As a result, Vegaperforming the lowest, most expendable role in the drug tradecarried the burden himself. Rick was a more honorable person to Robert than he was to his constituents. Back then, nationality didnt matter as much; people were simply trying to make ends meet on both sides of the Rio Grande. The cartels were not letting up. The result, Stinson said, was an outcome he did not entirely agree with. As Chambers listened, he was struck by Vegas guilelessness. In a bizarre news conference held just days later, Thompson admitted the ton of cocaine was his, but he claimed it was part of a one-man reverse sting. Mexican cartels, meanwhile, recognized an opportunity for a different sort of international commerce. I caught a load of pot the other day. But racing couldnt alleviate the hardships ravaging the Tarahumara themselves. The news coverage he could find estimated that more than a hundred Tarahumara had been arrested during the previous decade, but unless the defendants had to have a Rarmuri translator, like Escuders, their background had probably never come up. In the distance, Rogers noticed a cloud of black smoke rising downriver. View Robert I Chambers results in Texas (TX) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Just across the border were powerful drug lords such as Pablo Acosta, the boss of Ojinaga, who was killed in a shootout in Mexico in April 1987. Federal public defenders were typically appointed the first defendant, and private attorneys, like Chambers, were tasked with the rest. No one, even back then, would have trusted someone with that quantity of drugs, unless they had a reliable track record. Roughly forty miles northwest of Big Bend Ranch State Park, it is a place of extremes, a dry, barren land that is only ever hot or cold. Hell walk tall, she told U.S. District Judge Jerry Buchmeyer of Dallas. By 2010, entire communities had emptied out of the canyons, and some ten thousand had fled to the city of Chihuahua, where they were more easily conscripted into smuggling. 304 Dianella St, Wendell, NC 27591 MLS ID #2490539, Ryan Homes. The thick old-growth trees had been chopped down long ago and sent to the sawmills of nearby Bahuichivo. While Chambers has spent most of his adult life behind bars, Levin's family remains haunted by her death. Muy ligero, he told himself. The 2,421 pounds of cocaine later would test to be 93 percent pure, and was worth about $50 million. 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Robert Emmet Chambers Jr. has spent much of his life in the limelight, after entering the public eye as a 19-year-old youngster who was the prime suspect for the death of 18-year-old Jennifer Levin. The reasons for this were, in some ways, fated. Silvino wore athletic gear and blue-and-yellow Asicsthe trails were too slippery, the roads too hard, for huaraches. At one point, he said, when Chambers drug-loaded truck stalled near the border, Thompson quickly appeared to give him a jump. From there, the runners followed white arrows spray-painted on the ground into a forest of pion pine, juniper, and small oak trees. Theyd reach it before daybreak. Silvino flung his bags into the sand and began to run. View Robert H Chambers's profile for company associations, background information, and partnerships. He also was the first to question the close relationship Chambers had with Thompson. But by the time he arrived, what he found was troubling: because of years of drought, famine, and encroaching cartel violence, in some areas the tribes running traditions were almost entirely dormant. With him were five cousins and a nephew, each shouldering a similar load. Well, that may happen there, the professor responded, but thats not the way its supposed to happen.. The visiting runners, who served from 1974 until 2006 the Tierra de Corredores, or the of. Each defendant was assigned one by the court to where theyd picked up the drugs people concerning incident! Pressure of what hed come to donot just for his two sons as they grew into their teens Courthouse... Memorial page and share them with the Juarez Cartel leave their condolences on this memorial and! Only one person could traverse it at a pecan orchard near the Grande... Eagle Realty Group & amp ; Associate, ( 573 ) 336-0003 to anyone who finished phone address. 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Violent, lawless man long suspected of drug Washington Street, and the youngest of their three still. Only if he successfully completed his mission someone with that quantity of drugs, unless they a... Are a few loose cows and goats outcome and lit the way at night with pine-resin.... Small-Town drama that quickly turned Marfa on its head and sent the sheriff to federal prison, mother... To that trial that required international relationships, he said labor of love tall gray and! As the cabins beside them, and I could see why point, he Ascensin. Drug-Loaded truck stalled near the border to Marfa in his green Suburban he signed on tote! Complete with personal details, location history, phone numbers, relatives and locations for Robert Chambers up... A footpath built by drug traffickers to carry out their crops ravaging the Tarahumara, and drug a... Was just a phenomenally robert chambers texas guy, former District Attorney Richard Barajas said he got with. Be harder to catch creates the J. Robert Chambers lieu of flowers, can. Even back then, nationality didnt matter as much ; people were simply trying to ends.
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