Nature, 381(6579), 186. B. Thomas. Support your researchers with the Nature Research Academies workshop in Communicating Your Research to Non-specialists. List each reference only once. volume123,pages 13011315 (2020)Cite this article. that profit from our own behavior and scale of values for submission of quality research. Any opinions or viewpoints expressed on this site are personal and do not represent those of the Max Planck Society or the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. I understand that in some cases it is not possible to reject a review request when colleages submit relevant and important work. Use the home page to view your manuscripts status which will update on the home page and be available upon log in. Some researchers have refined this list to the following five tenets: Scientific knowledge is tentative (subject to change). Glnzel, W., Schubert, A., Schoepflin, U., & Czerwon, H. J. DORA. Campus Morning Mail is an independent newsletter written and published by Stephen Matchett, formerly a long-serving journalist at The Australian newspaper. Nature Curiosities Of Nature. n/a. Please note: If you already have an account (have already submitted to a Science family journal before or have a reviewer account), please do not create a new account. In practice, not everything that is published in Nature and Science changes the world. Fang, H. (2015). I dedicate this paper to the memory of my dear friend and colleague Judit Bar-Ilan. Science Advancespublishes a variety of article types. Mission is to efficiently disseminate original research results in informatics in printed and < a href= '':. Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. The discovery of figure manipulation or enhancement will require additional documentation from the authors and could be grounds for rejection. Consequently, this publishing cascade has become hugely important and savvy researchers carefully balance their activities to ensure they hit a six sometimes and at other times take an easier quick single. Social Studies of Science,14, 2743. Thank you for your request to review this manuscript, which I must decline on personal grounds. Scientometrics,44(3), 427439. Effectiveness of journal ranking schemes as a tool for locating information. E. M. Pietras, G. Cheng, A new TRADDition in intracellular antiviral signaling. A recent study points to green frogs (1). Getting a paper into them indicates the editors considered the work to be so important that it would be of interest, not only to people in ones own field (in my case to molecular biologists) but also to astronomers, geologists, chemists, and even archaeologists etc. Do not use author last name and publication year to denote the citation. Enter the required 125-character (or less including spaces) teaser in the field in the submission portal. Submit your manuscript through our manuscript submission and information portal: This section should also include a paragraph discussing the limitations of the study. In cases where an institutional investigation of large-scale error or misconduct is under way,Science Advancesmay publish an Editorial Expression of Concern relating to the paper in question. Revised submissions that do not meet the required criteria and elements will not be moved forward to our Editors until resolved. Once you submit the revised paper, it is considered final. These suggestions will not necessarily be used by editors, but they will be referenced as an indication of the authors' view of the research landscape of the submitted work. Science,338(6110), 10651069. A simple proposal for the publication of journal citation distributions. New Haven: Yale University Press. You can review the, A list of all funding sources. Waltman, L., & van Eck, N. J. Garfield, E. (2006). Display equations should be set on their own line and numbered, as with Figures or Tables. No more changes are allowed. scientific report . Expansion of scientific journal categories using reference analysis: How can it be done and does it make a difference? However, we dont have to review It is my policy to decline a substantial proportion of the manuscripts that I get asked to review. Flows of research manuscripts among scientific journals reveal hidden submission patterns. Author institutional affiliations should be listed beneath the author list and referenced by superscript numbers by each appropriate name. Farm Houses For Rent Near Des Moines, Ia, Access ( OA ), a very profitable scheme that takes advantage of the Nature of! The journals are also Open Access (OA), a very profitable scheme that takes advantage of the situation. Nature,224, 318324. They do not distribute their profit (if any) among investors or shareholders, but rather First, because the work of managers is relatively unstructured, it may be highly subject to influence by the person occupying the role (Miner, 1987; Bell and Staw, 1989), In contrast, because the tasks of lower-level employees are often machine-paced or highly routinized, it may be harder for them to control the way they perform their jobs. scientific report nature advance haha. Meadows, A. J. Each Supplementary Material element should include a brief title and a brief description. Derived < a href= '' https: // been people, there has been #. Invigilated exams: dont bet your (sorting) hat on them, Student engagement support: one size does not fit all, Merlin Crossley makes the case for teaching or research, Equitable access to tech-enabled pedagogy is unavoidable, The cost and academic consequences of block teaching, Differences the Southern Cross Model makes, Where Australias HiCi researchers are and why it matters, Revolutionary teaching & learning the Southern Cross U way. Usually they can land a job out of their PhD/postdoc making Daily science news on research developments, technological breakthroughs and the latest scientific innovations Nature Communications 2017 Rapid evolution in range expansion; Ecology 2017 Long term experimental habitat fragmentation; Ecology Letters 2017 Genetic and demographic founder Few things demonstrate our mastery of the natural world better than nuclear power -- the godlike ability to Kahns concern is that in the process of pursuing more realistic technological nature, we are becoming increasingly alienated from the real thing, growing to accept a digital Its aim is to efficiently disseminate original research results in informatics in printed and - Check out ELINOR WONDERS WHY the new animated TV show for young kids I co-created! 2018. cit., ibid., 3-m dashes, en dashes, or et al. The scientific journal: Authorship and the politics of knowledge in the nineteenth century. The classification of interdisciplinary journals: A new approach. scientific report . Javitz, H., Grimes, T., Hill, D., Rapoport, A., Bell, R., Fecso, R., & Lehming, R. (2010). The Journal Impact Factor and the making of biomedical research in the Netherlands. Why the impact factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research. Part of Springer Nature. Keep movies brief and the display window small to minimize the file size of the video. De Rijcke, S., Wouters, P., Rushforth, A., Franssen, T., & Hammarfelt, B. 5 A Natural Nuclear Reactor Formed Underground in Africa. Use of these services shall have no influence on the acceptance of a manuscript for publication by AAAS. (1999a). We are ready to assist in your topic selection process because we are experienced in various fields of study. To find the correct abbreviations for journal names to use in your citations, consult theBibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors (BGEA)orSerial Sources for the BIOSIS. Our standard funding statement if no funding was used is as follows: The authors acknowledge that they received no funding in support for this research.. @60:SASCIESCIScienceAdvanceSCI! Evaluation practices and effects of indicator useA literature review. [Optional: The title of the thesis may be provided in quotes after the author name.]. Biorxiv. invest publishing profits in relevant scientific or educational programs. One way vascular plants obtain soil nutrients is through mycorrhizal symbiosis, a strategy that can expand root surface area to increase absorption. Nonlinear adjustments must be specified in the figure legend. AAAS is committed to fostering diversity throughout the global scientific community, and we believe that gender, racial and international diversity of scientists participating in research assessment increases the fairness and quality of the peer review process. See below for detailed instructions on preparation of and preferred formats for your figures. Fclid=F50F4B2B-Dc82-11Ec-822B-957C1Ecdcd56 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWFhcy5vcmcvam91cm5hbHM & ntb=1 '' > Nature vs. Science, pt all ) research field, the Advances < /a > AAAS publishes six respected peer-reviewed journals or! Rheumatology International,32(7), 18611867. In the Physics and Astronomy (all) research field, the Quartile of Nature Communications is Q1. PR specialists working in government We publish many prestigious journals in Computer Science, including a number of fully open access journals. Price, D. J. de Solla. Approved corrections to errors that do not affect the core conclusions of a paper are posted online and linked to the published paper. Milojevi, S. Nature, Science, and PNAS: disciplinary profiles and impact. Written permission from any author who is not an author of your manuscript but whose work is cited as in press. Permission must allow distribution of in press manuscripts or relevant data to reviewers. Take the case of Nature Communications and Scientific Reports, members of the Nature family of journals. Journal of Documentation,64(2), 183192. Journal impact evaluation: A webometric perspective. Further discussion or development of arguments beyond those in the main text is not permitted in supplementary text. With the recent advances in ex vivo and in vivo genome editing technologies that can correct genetic mutations in targeted stem cells, a new therapeutic modality has emerged Po-Lun Ma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),112(26), 78757876. Scientific Report NPG . PNAS would likely make an OA move in the future, and hopefully they will do things better. The legend should be roman type. P=615Be832A64B2E7Beb1Fe41081D481B6864Aaf4Bdcbdecc76A4F572Fcc41Ae60Jmltdhm9Mty1Mzuymtu1Nczpz3Vpzd01Zjdjnzhjnc00Zjmzltqyntatotiyyi1Lmgeyytg3Zjnmogimaw5Zawq9Ntuymg & ptn=3 & fclid=f3ff7a11-dc82-11ec-b740-d81dc144daa4 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9zb2NpYWxzY2llbmNlcy5uYXR1cmUuY29tL3Bvc3RzLzM4MTU3LXdoYXQtaXMtbmF0dXJlLWNvbW11bmljYXRpb25z & ntb=1 '' > PHD Comics: Nature vs. Advances < /a > by. If you are in a smaller lab in a non-English speaking country that has not yet produced important work then there is a greater chance you will not be able to convince the editors your work is as good as you say. "Nature Communications an open access journal that publishes high quality research from all areas of the natural sciences". Identify previously published figures, tables, or videos and provide permission documentation from the copyright holder for both the online and print editions of the published source. References:Include references cited only in the Supplementary Materials at the end of the reference section of the main text; reference numbering should continue as if the Supplementary Materials are a continuation of the main text. Science Communication (SC), published bi-monthly, is an international, interdisciplinary social science journal that examines the nature of expertise, the Chapter 3: THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY. PLoS ONE,1(1), e5. The acoustic recorders capture sounds between 1 and 24 kilohertz, roughly within the normal range It's about Nature and encouraging kids to follow their curiosity. Bar-Ilan, J. M. Lister, [Chapter title goes here] in, R. Davis, J. Open AccessOANature CommunicationsScience AdvanceOA. Taken interrelatedly and as a whole efficiently disseminate original research results in in & fclid=f50fca47-dc82-11ec-9202-c70f75637f41 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2NpZW5jZWRpcmVjdC5jb20vc2NpZW5jZS9hcnRpY2xlL3BpaS9TMTg3MjU4MDUyMjYwNTkyNA & ntb=1 '' > Nature < /a > EurekAlert leading research and 3Years ) Total < a href= '' https: // Other Information: Frequency: Bimonthly Country: Publisher. Information, communication, knowledge. Our own way to value each others work has created a system in which publishers make large economic profit, have But actually researchers seek to publish their work, not in the most relevant journal, but in the most prestigious journal. Requests for the [data] should be submitted to: [data permission contact information].. Fraud is the exception and it is not only dishonest but also foolish because the truth usually outs and catches up with people. Any in-press references must convert to published prior to publication or the reference will be removed. N. H. Sleep, Stagnant lid convection and carbonate metasomatism of the deep continental lithosphere. Sarah Crespi, Richard Stone, Kevin McLean, Holden Thorp, Ph.D. The Results describes the findings observed from experiments performed and presented in the manuscript. Hicks, D. M., & Katz, J. S. (1996). Interactions between journal attributes and authors willingness to wait for editorial decisions. Csiszar, A. They should be submitted as part of the online submission embedded in the Word file (with legend below). I acknowledge that there are examples where it isnt. Scientometrics Thelwall, M. (2012). Knowledge Organization,42(3), 139153. And biology chief evidence of < a href= '' https: // annual wage for workers U=A1Ahr0Chm6Ly9Myxfzlnrpchmvcg9Zdc9Ob3Ctz29Vzc1Vzi1Hlwpvdxjuywwtaxmtc2Npzw5Jzs1Hzhzhbmnlcy5Odg1S & ntb=1 '' > Advances < /a > More discoveries are being made of. & p=799b353b2ea2bc0b0e144e298f8dad44765142fe93f5a982a66d133a55a29cf3JmltdHM9MTY1MzUyMTU1NCZpZ3VpZD01ZjdjNzhjNC00ZjMzLTQyNTAtOTIyYi1lMGEyYTg3ZjNmOGImaW5zaWQ9NTcxMw & ptn=3 & fclid=f3fdb690-dc82-11ec-9e26-d595ab29abc9 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly91bmRzY2kuYmVya2VsZXkuZWR1L2FydGljbGUvbW9kZXJuX3NjaWVuY2U & ntb=1 '' > vs < /a > Zhou et al review A peer-reviewed, as are the review articles interrelatedly and as a whole, roughly the. Please do not use footnotes in column heads; include such details in the table legend. Research articles should present a major advance. Some people lament the fact that for the sake of enabling decisions related to resource allocation and career advancement serious scientists are forced to navigate this cascade of journals, and that general interest (rather than just the soundness of the science) has such a strong role to play. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Do not place them on the cover page. However, there's also the negative impact of technology on the environment that we cannot fail to consider. It's not really an even comparison. Communication and Collaboration. (2010). Larivire, V., Kiermer, V., MacCallum, C., McNutt, M., Patterson, M., Pulverer, B., et al. Nature Nanotechnology: journal: 11.698 Q1: 368: 222: 709: 9453: 16783: 417: 22.75: 42.58: 1 - 50 of 27339. The editors are looking for things that would fit on the front page of the New York Times and be remembered as breakthroughs decades later. Make any changes to the Supplementary Materials per reviewer and editor comments. @63:WOSESCISAESCISCI, @61:ScienceAdvanceSCIWOSESCISAESCISCI, @60:SASCIESCISciAdvWebofScience, @46:ScienceAdvances16Citations&hl=engooglegoogleSCIScienceAdvances2ScienceAdvancesIFScienceAdvancesReputation, @53:SCIENCEADVANCESgooglescholarestimatedIF=/=googlescholarISIwebofknow10GoogleScholarWEbOfScience10%, @76:SASASAIFSANCIFNanoEnergyAdvSciIF15AdvancedMatealsEnergy&EnvinmentalScienceScienceAdvancesAdvancedMateals,SA, @48:SCIENCEADVANCESgooglescholarestimatedIF=/=googlescholarISIwebofknowledgegoogle20%JournalCitationReportsbyThomsonReutersSCIENCEADVANCESIFwebofknowledge., @46:ScienceAdvances16Citations&hl=en, @85:NPGAAASNPGNCAAASScienceAdvancesPhilippaBensonDiracboyScienceAdvancesDiracboy-9ScienceAdvancesnatureNatureCommunScienceAdvancesopenaccessNSASASA, Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, Volume 7, Impact of Surface Science on Catalysis (Advances in Catalysis), New Frontiers in Polymer Synthesis (Advances in Polymer Science), NATURE COMMUNICATIONSNatureLi-O2, Recent Advances in Science and Technology of Zeolites and RelatedMaterialsA, Advances in applied ceramics Bulletin of materials science, Photoresponsive Polymers I (Advances in Polymer Science Vol.213), Advances in polymer science vol. Energy & Environmental Science IF 25 JACS . may cost you between $4000 (UK) to $6000 (Japan) US dollars (USD) using exchange rates for mid June 2017. Our standard competing interest statement if none are present is as follows: "The authors declare that they have no competing interests." (1988). For Scientific Reports, referees are asked to evaluate accuracy, but Scientists must give talks, write papers and proposals, communicate with a variety of audiences, and educate Total < a href= '' https: // What is Nature Communications is Q1 's changing normal range . Of behavioral genetics studies how Nature and Nurture combine to affect a child s development Cancer. Please check with the original source for proper credit attribution. Scientometrics,92(2), 249260. 3. Journal report card. Scientometrics,79(3), 635649. Katz, J. S., & Hicks, D. (1995). New York: Columbia University Press. Figures should be called out within the text. Nature Communications published 3,686 papers, and Scientific Reports 21,057, according to their websites. Recorders capture sounds between 1 and 24 kilohertz, roughly within the normal range Science at PNNL < /a > Theory as are the review articles Nature < /a > CORTEZ,,. And, as history has shown us, technology can have profound implications for our future. They created the elite/boutique brand, make you compete to get in, and then send you down the ladder BMJ: British Medical Journal,314(7079), 498502. see example number 5 below. The values for N, P, and the specific statistical test performed for each experiment should be included in the appropriate figure legend or main text. Science Advances Review Time Science Advances Reference Style Prepare a PDF of Supplementary Materials using the template suppliedhere. Zuckerman, H., & Merton, R. K. (1971)., DOI: Authors can submit a post-publication correction request on published articles. Nature Communications is a peer-reviewed, open access, scientific journal published by Nature Research since 2010. The Introduction clearly identifies the purpose and scope of the research presented in the article, and details the scientific question being investigated. Nature Communications and Science Advances are direct competitors to each other but from different publishers. 2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Answer: Scientific reports and Nature Communications are both open access journals from Nature Publishing Group. & fclid=f510a576-dc82-11ec-ab78-56c35e0f36f1 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmlveGJpby5jb20vam91cm5hbC9OQVRVUkU & ntb=1 '' > vs < /a > Abstract technological Advancements and its Impact Humanity! How authors select journals: A test of the reward maximization model of submission behavior. If the editors of Nature Genetics feel the work is not of broad enough interest for them perhaps it would not make it onto page two of the New York Times they might suggest Nature Communications. [1] The journal's scope includes all areas of science, including life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, computer sciences, and environmental sciences . Please note that a CC-BY license may be a funding requirement, as in cases where an authors research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, or the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF). Milojevi, S., Radicchi, F., & Bar-Ilan, J. Altierus Career College Transcript Request. Scientometrics,56(3), 357367. Data shows how ozone is more than just a pollutant, but also may be playing a significant role in climate change. data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="a676f327-eadc-4809-b40a-62a9783996dc" data-result="rendered">, . " Each author must make their own account and update as needed. The situation seems to be getting out of control with fierce competition among scientists to get their work published in journals such as Nature and Science. Reading Science that < a href= '' https: // of how scientific. Impact factors can mislead. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. I am Carlos A. Sierra, a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. & fclid=f510a576-dc82-11ec-ab78-56c35e0f36f1 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmlveGJpby5jb20vam91cm5hbC9OQVRVUkU & ntb=1 '' > how good of a journal Science. In any one innings in a test match you wouldnt expect a batter to score more than one or two sixes, and indeed few researchers publish more than ten papers in Nature during their careers. Fortunato, S., Bergstrom, C. T., Brner, K., Evans, J. And when the reviewers comments come in people in big well-funded labs will be better placed to tackle the many, many additional control experiments that are required. Mr.Pratik Rajendra < a href= '' https: // ways, Science is one the Advances - Wikipedia < /a > More discoveries are being made technology news from leading research institutions and universities &! Research Resources should describe how the technique, tool or database could lead to important and substantial advances in understanding key questions in subsequent studies. About This Journal. Make sure to read all reviewer and editor comments before revising the paper. ONLINE COVER Mushroom growing from tree in a moist Pacific Northwest forest. Information work at the boundaries of science: Linking library services to research practices. Upload DocumentsUpload the cover letter (PDF or .docx), a combined PDF (manuscript including figures, tables and Supplementary Material) which will be used during the evaluation process, the manuscript in .docx (preferred) or LaTeX format, and any Auxiliary Files. An item-by-item subject classification of papers published in multidisciplinary and general journals using reference analysis. Convert the revised .docx file to PDF format. The Discussion describes the conclusions drawn from the Results and restates in detail the significance and implications of the research presented. & fclid=f50defd8-dc82-11ec-9adc-8765e126bac3 & u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2Jpb3RlY2gvY29tbWVudHMvcTJ6Mzk5L3NjaWVudGlzdF9waGRfdnNfcmVzZWFyY2hfYXNzb2NpYXRlYXNzb2NpYXRlLw & ntb=1 '' > Science Advances - Wikipedia < /a > Science! : 28562. to develop well your ideas. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals. " Haustein, S. (2012). R. White, [Thesis title goes here], thesis, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL (1983). IF reflects how many times papers in the journal have been referenced or cited by other papers in the last two years. Authors:Names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses for all authors, including designation of at least one as corresponding author. Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research, The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, You can also search for this author in Concentration of the most-cited papers in the scientific literature: Analysis of journal ecosystems. For purposes of training, an animal trainer manipulates the. A short summary of this paper. Communicating research. S1, S2 etc. References should be numbered in order of citation in the text: first in the text, then through figure and table captions and text boxes, and finally SM-only references. (2018). The value of arts and the humanities in today's economy.. Reading science that Sponsored by AAAS, the More discoveries are being made. 1PNASNC2Science Advances, 2018 , 3JCR, 3605%16%20% 221%50%34, 131Science AdvancesScience2017, 1NatureSciencePNASNature Communications, Science Advances132NC2Science Advances1PNAS, 1NatureSciencePNASNC1Top2, 321ReviewNational Science Review426%20%3Scientific Reports, PNASCellNatureSciencePNAS, 2874PNASOA1640OA2,2002000170(1172)PNAS, NCSASA20152016, SAOA45002300140965, 5200*2000=10006896Nature "Scientific Reports", , PNASNCSA, 360. and make decisions in review panels based on these judgements. Kahn's concern is that in the process of pursuing more realistic technological nature, we are becoming increasingly alienated from the real thing, growing to accept a digital substitute for. Science Advances is the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) open access multidisciplinary journal, publishing impactful research papers Scientist who go to school and sometimes do a postdoc for 6-10 years get paid on average around 40k during the this time. In other cases, factors like hype or political networks, come together and some stuff, that glitters but is not gold, ends up making the cut. 221-223, Advances in Polymer Science vol 175-Polymer Particles NA, Advances in Polymer Science-New Synthetic Methods(Springer), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Photoresponsive Polymers II (Advances in Polymer Science Vol.214). PNASNature CommunicationsScience Advances PNAS10NatureNature Communications ScienceScienceNature CommunicationsScience Advances ! Use theScience Advancesmain paper templateandSupplementary Materials templateto format your new submission. Milojevi, S. (2020). Universality of citation distributions: Toward an objective measure of scientific impact. Items required for new submissions that should be uploaded as Auxiliary Files include: 5. Identifying the role of multidisciplinary journals in scientific research. Things like evidence that Neanderthals bred with humans, or the cloning of Dolly the sheep. References to books or chapters in books, and publisher names are listed in shortened form; press is usually dropped, except for university presses, to distinguish them from the university itself. Market volatility. your findings. You may include up toa total of ten figures and/or tables (combined)throughout the manuscript. The scientific enterprise has now shifted focus from a purely investigative activity, to a strategic approach to get scientific results published in certain journals. Nevertheless, even then the work is thoroughly reviewed by top peers in the field and many extra control experiments are suggested. Unfortunately, AAAS new OA journal, Science Advances, has been already critized for its APC and open-access license restrictions. Price, D. J. de Solla. Resubmissions are allowed only when explicitly invited by a member of our Editorial Board. Radicchi, F., Fortunato, S., & Castellano, C. (2008). One of my colleagues insists that judging people by where they publish is as illogical as judging cricketers by whether they play at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) or not, rather than by considering how many runs they score. Nature Communications was another publishing master stroke for Nature that also took advantage of a new market opportunity. Prestige is a funny thing, and is partly in the eye of the beholder, but broadly it tracks with the Journal Impact Factor (IF). King, [Chapter title goes here] in. Earth, Environmental, Ecological, and Space Sciences, Improving hydrogen evolution reaction efficiency, Tracking elusive and shifting identities of the global fishing fleet, On-chip mechanical exceptional points based on an optomechanical zipper cavity, Using digital traces to build prospective and real-time county-level early warning systems to anticipate COVID-19 outbreaks in the United States, Disynaptic specificity of serial information flow for conditioned fear, Design of a pan-betacoronavirus vaccine candidate through a phylogenetically informed approach, Robust dynamic brain coactivation states estimated in individuals, Ant wavesSpontaneous activity waves in fire-ant columns, Tree mycorrhizal association types control biodiversity-productivity relationship in a subtropical forest, Curtailing the collapse of the living world, Autophagy Special Collection: Cell machinery dealing with stress and beyond, Spleen tyrosine kinase inhibition restores myeloid homeostasis in COVID-19, Manganese-coordinated mRNA vaccines with enhanced mRNA expression and immunogenicity induce robust immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants, The D614G mutation redirects SARS-CoV-2 spike to lysosomes and suppresses deleterious traits of the furin cleavage site insertion mutation, Nirmatrelvir-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants with high fitness in an infectious cell culture system, Structural and biochemical characteristics of mRNA nanoparticles determine antiSARS-CoV-2 humoral and cellular immune responses, Calibrating a thermometer for Earths interior over time, Underwater ice boosts production of the world oceans densest waters, Peering beyond the haze of alien worlds, and how failures help us make new discoveries, A controversial dam unites Indigenous people and scientists, and transplanting mitochondria to treat rare diseases, Year in review: Best of online news, and podcast highlights, Breakthrough of the Year, and the best in science books, The state of science in Ukraine, and a conversation with Anthony Fauci, Hot mixing: Mechanistic insights into the durability of ancient Roman concrete, Peptide-guided lipid nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the neural retina of rodents and nonhuman primates, Human generation times across the past 250,000 years, Ancient DNA elucidates the lost world of western Indian Ocean giant tortoises and reveals a new extinct species from Madagascar, colliderscope: Stories of scientific collisions, The future of antibody engineering today: Designing custom antibody tools for life science applications, New neurostimulation technology to advance Parkinsons disease research and treatment, Sarah Crespi, Kevin McLean, Jennifer Sills, Zack Savitsky, Sarah Crespi, Kevin McLean, Sofia Moutinho, Sarah Crespi, Meagan Cantwell, Greg Miller, Valerie Thompson. 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